While Shu was definitely concerned that he had brought in some weird thoughts into Takeshi’s head, he tried to think nothing of it and just hoped Takeshi was just a little too hungry to think straight. Waving around a little as he waited for the food, he slowly moved towards Takeshi, smiling up at him, “How do people normally remember a lot of things? I don’t need to remember a lot of things, I just get told stuff and I remember because I’m doing the stuff when I am asked”, he smiled, tilting his head a little, “I just eat food! I never did all those things when I was in the jungle because I just ate things. I never made fire before!” There was always going to be the usual strangeness coming from Takeshi’s world, just as many as Takeshi could see in his, but he was fairly open to hearing about everything Takeshi could tell him and he was happy to listen. Giggling a little, he let out a sigh before looking up at Takeshi, tilting his head a little, “Ooh? Goofy? I thought I was goofy”, he spoke, trying to think about how it might transfer to other people, “Why is it a bad thing? She’s happy and that’s good, I mean…not everyone’s been happy lately, so it’s good! I’ve not seen the other one around much, though”. Viral didn’t like walking around like this, his eyes staring up at Vegeta every so often as if reminding himself that he was still there and still mocking him. He preferred being up high and not down low like this, even if him walking on all fours he didn’t come much lower than Vegeta’s chest when walking. If Vegeta put a collar on him for acting up then he would be completely done with this, however. Looking up at Vegeta, he grumbled lowly and shook his head, “I’d just throw you at the nearest scientist, get them to give you artificial limbs and be done with you!” he huffed, looking down to his paws, “Stabbing me in the head will put me out of my misery! This may be all fascinating to you…but I have very serious conflicts about this…” He didn’t think he could be as happy about it as Vegeta obviously was, but if this was his idea of control then he better have some clothes ready for him when he changed back, whenever that was. Groaning a little, he lowered his head as he walked, “Look at myself? I’m big and furry, I still hurt after that session too, but I don’t know how I’d do in battle where it really matters”.