Alexa dropped her singularity. "I only kill when I'm threatened or when I'm told to. Neither condition has been met," Alexa returned. She began taking slow steps towards the two, eyeing them both carefully. She started with Kali, the Huntress. Everything Alexa knew about Kali she had heard from Aria. Alexa's boss always spoke highly of the legendary Huntress, and often compared Alexa with Kali. "You do things a little differently, but you both get the job done. Don't expect to be best friends with her. You're kind of a bitch, and she's a little bit less of a bitch. But you two would get along fine, I think," Aria had commented on Kali once. Alexa had to physically shake off the feeling of Aria's voice resounding in her head. Alexa nodded at the asari, "I like you. I've heard of you. I can work with you." Then Alexa began circling around the unnamed helmeted one. She had no recognition of this man, nor did she think she had ever heard of him, and as such immediately began treating him as an unknown threat. Her mind raced, calling upon years of training. [i]Sword, twin Shurikens, primary threat. Viper deadly but ineffective in such close quarters. Fighting style unknown, but he'd rather avoid a fight right now. Smart, or scared?[/i] She smirked. Alexa decided the best way to learn something about this one was to challenge him. "You, however. I don't know you." Alexa quickly closed the gap between herself and the helmeted merc. She kept her hands well away from her weapons, posing no serious threat. "Shit, you sound like a pussy. I don't know what you did to grab the attention of whoever invited us here, but as of right now, you haven't proven your worth to me. I won't kill you. Not yet. But you'd better start giving me reasons to help your ass out if we find ourselves in trouble." Alexa stepped back, shooting a cold glare into the emotionless helmet in front of her. She stopped when she had a reasonable distance between Kali and the helmeted merc. "So who are you?"