[img]http://i.imgur.com/74SiS5S.png[/img] Aedius enjoyed how the process was going along, and was curious as to what vehicles The First would use the Lacrima on. Until quite a bit of it was swept away by a huge quantity of water. Four of the six skeletons managed to hold on to to the boat, preventing their fall, the rest of the skeletons had fallen into the water, although they wouldn't suffer any ill-effects from this, as they didn't breathe. The Lacrima itself was being stored within the ship's storage, and was safe from the assault. Aedius turned around to see who performed the assault on the ship, which was the equivalent to defying The First, and saw a blonde female. He looked at her, and then looked at the boat, and looked at her, and looked at the boat, and continued with this for a few minutes before finally speaking. "[i]Why.[/i]" He said in a demanding tone, rather than a questioning one. He assumed that he would have to fight in the name of The First's mission, and was prepared to do so, albeit non-enthusiastically.