Alexa smirked. He had literally invalidated his own argument. "Shit, you're dumber than I thought. If we're gonna be a 'team,' dumbass, then you're gonna need to tell me who you are. I can't work with someone if I don't even know their fucking name," Alexa shook her head. She was about to let it go, when a thought crossed her mind. "I don't think you understand. There is no me. I'm nothing. I'm just a weapon. You haven't told me anything that I don't already know." Alexa stopped smiling. Her vindication backed up every word; Alexa truly believed everything she said. At this point, almost two decades of having her personality crippled and her brain broken down into nothing began to take over Alexa. "Because you're right. Nobody's intimidated of me. I'm Aria's Fist for a reason. If you think I'm here for any reason other than Aria's will, then you're sadly mistaken. Everything I do is for one purpose, and that is Aria's benefit." When Alexa had finished, she realized she had inadvertently been charging a warp field in her hand. She smashed her palm closed, dissipating the warp field. Alexa was shaking; it wasn't often that she had to vocalize her role as Aria's Fist. It was normally something that was understood by everyone, and this was one of the few times Alexa found herself having to explain that to someone. "So I'm gonna ask you again. Who are you, and why aren't you a complete waste of my time and Aria's resources?"