Kali smirked at the helmeted man, he didn't seem to be an amateur but he definitely wasn't a steeled veteran either, "Don't worry your pretty little head. We're being quite civil here. Cautious but civil. I enjoy meeting new people, I wouldn't worry about a fight." Kali cast a sidelong glance at Alexa and grinned, "Though I do believe this one would put me through me paces should any kind of [i] physical [/i] confrontation occur." Alexa did not seem like the promiscuous type, but you never knew and that never stopped Kali before. In her experience, the hard-assed ones could prove to be a lot of fun. Kali had no doubt that Alexa would be a veritable force of nature in a fight, and would be a worthy challenge. But one did not strike a representative of the Pirate Queen without expecting serious reprisals. The Huntress inclined her head at Alexa, "I'm glad to hear that, I believe we can work together very well. Anyone that has earned such high status among Aria and her company is worthy of admiration and respect." Kali smirked as Alexa began circling the mystery man, that one was a natural predator. Scoping out the new meat and trying to see what he was made of. She did so in a rather heavy-handed manner but Kali had to respect Alexa's directness and no-nosense approach. She was quite like Aria in many ways. She was definitely someone Kali wouldn't mind getting to know better. Kali wondered what it took to get Alexa to lower that steely exterior. Or if her time under Aria had taught her any skills not relating to martial prowess. Kali smiled internally at the thought. Kali could practically smell the tension building as Alexa confronted the man. Kali stretched out her fingers as the man approached her. Violence might occur and Kali decided that if that happened she would throw her lot in with Alexa. Getting on Aria's good side was always a bonus, and Alexa deserved the professional courtesy as a player of her stature. However the man didn't buckle under the stress or pull a gun, which was a favorable reaction in her eyes. He wasn't as masterful at retorting Alexa's remarks as he could have been but he did well enough. He still had a little bit to learn about this business and how to stand up to his peers. Like not turning your back on a potential enemy. The man was now across from her and Alexa in front of her, and Kali moved so that she was next to Aria's Fist while keeping a mostly equal distance with both of them, forming a mercenary triangle, though she was standing a little closer to Alexa than to the other man. Having both of them in front of her was the better choice if a fight broke out, but she didn't want to make Alexa uneasy of having a killer behind her. And hopefully her slight favoring of Alexa in her positioning would display solidarity. For the man's sake she kept an amused look on her face. Before the tension could turn into a firefight, she chuckled lowly, "My my for an unknown quantity you certainly have some guts. Let's not make this unpleasant, I doubt the client will be willing to pay whoever survives should we fight. First impressions and all that." Kali grinned and her eyes gleamed at the man, "Though I do believe you would do well to introduce yourself. We shared our identities and we're going to be working together. It's only polite."