Well that was pointless. Complete waste of four perfectly good bullets. On the bright side though, he's only got two shots left again. She just stood where she was as the bullets zipped by to either side of her, completely at a loss to explain why he hadn't even tried to hit her. She was less than ten feet away. It couldn't have been [b][i]that[/i][/b] hard to aim at a target less than ten feet away. Maybe he was just trying to keep her from dodging to the side. Regardless, he had drawn his sword in the next moment and was rushing forward, pulling the blade back in order to build power for what her training and instinct told her was a right to left (from his perspective) upwards diagonal slash. Too bad she didn't have nearly indestructible bones in her stomach. Then again, she wouldn't have needed them. She dove forward and to his left as his sword came into striking position, hitting the ground in a roll and drawing her own sword as she came upright, then spinning in her crouched position to bring a right-to-left slash across the back of his knees, aiming to sever whatever facsimile of tendons he might have there. Maybe it would slow him down a little.