[b] [u] Grey Onyx [/u] [/b] At first, Grey was content to let her go, it was her decision after all, but then another thought hit him. [b]"W-wait! Don't charge off alone!"[/b] He shouted as he rushed to pursue. He couldn't just let her charge off by herself, she had even less experience than he did! Naturally, she was much faster than he was, especially considering he wore more metal armor than she did, head start aside. He lost sight of her after a time, but before he could continue the chase he felt a swift blow to his side, straight out of his blind spot. He slammed into a wall, before he picked himself up and came face to face with a foe he didn't expect. This man was clearly no disciplined soldier, yet he seemed to be a cut above the common barbarian rabble. He barely wore anything resembling armor, just leather padding over select bits of clothing, as well as a thin blade. A Myrmidon. Unfortunately, this was the kind of foe Grey was least suited to dealing with. [b]"Alright, you got lucky with that one..."[/b] He picked his axe back up and gave it a swing as he readied for single combat. Everything was on fire, his cape was fluttering in the wind, [i]This would make a great painting...[/i] He thought with some amusement. [b]"But you're gonna regret letting me get back up."[/b] The myrmidon just spat and checked his blades' edge. [b]"There's no fun in that. These villagers just scream and die when we show up, but you mercs are a real challenge."[/b] Grey gave a derisive snort before replying. [b]"Well it's your lucky day, scum. You get to be ground to nothing under my bootheel!"[/b] Grey shouted as he charged forward. He swung for the bandit's midsection, but he was already gone by the time His axe got there. He prepared a strike of his own, but Grey was just barely able to absorb most of the damage with his shield. But now the bastard was in close. Grey shot forward with his axe and struck. The blow missed, naturally, but that wasn't important. Grey's shield arm shot out and he grabbed the punk by his collar, before pulling him in for a mighty headbutt. The myrmidon was writhing on the ground clutching his head. Grey strode over, and was about to bury his axe in the bandit's face when he felt a searing pain in his midsection. He looked down, only to find the bandit had shot his sword out and got him. He didn't think it hit anything vital, but by the gods did it hurt. But if there was one thing Grey was good at, it was ignoring pain.He quickly stomped on the man's arm, until he felt a crunch. The bandit was screaming in pain now. After all, he did just have his arm crushed. He looked up at Grey, who was staring at the man with the a look that he could only describe as soulless. The man's eyes widened in fear as he slowly extracted the sword from his torso, and uttered the last words the bandit would ever hear. [b]"Life is a privilege. [i]And you don't deserve it.[/i]"[/b] The last part was almost a snarl, as he brought his armored boot down on the bandit's head. The adrenalin of battle having faded, Grey took a moment to recover. He had some emergency bandages he could use to slow the bleeding, but he doubted that he'd get very far with his wound. Worse, he had a moment to think. That was his first kill, and he was almost horrified by his own actions. Did he end the man quickly? no, he decided to prolong his death and inflict suffering on him. But... he deserved it. Unquestionably. Each and every one of these monsters deserve nothing but the painful crushing deaths they themselves inflicted on the innocent. But for now, He had to find Arianna, or maybe a wizard. They might have healing salves handy. He went towards where he saw Arianna go, and upon turning into an alleyway, he came across an unimaginably gruesome sight. There were piles of... of [i]meat[/i] that could have been a man once, and in the center was a book, completely unattended. He scooped it up and stored it on his belt next to the myrmidon's sword for his growing loot collection. Now, the bleeding was getting worse. He couldn't fight like this, so his best bet would be to head back away from the front in the hopes he might come across a healer. As he wandered, he heard familiar voices from the inside of an empty home. With some effort, he managed to find his way through the open door, only to discover Arianna and a mage he might have seen earlier. [b]"T-there you are... you can't just run off... alone."[/b] He said as he leaned against a wall for support, clutching his wound. He brought his hand up to his eye, and found it stained red. Clearly the bandages had been overpowered. [b]"Wizard... Idon't suppose you *Hack* have anything for this, do you?"[/b]