Ereshk gratefully accepted the young woman's help in hoisting himself up to his feet. He was still a little wobbly, but at least he could stand. The mage nodded absent-mindedly as Arianna explained how he fainted after saving a villager. His hands were still patting down his robes, trying desperately to find his book. [i]Where in the nine hells did I put it!?[/i] Ereshk was starting to panic now. His mind was beginning to fully comprehend the notion that he may have lost his master's spellbook. It was at that moment that Arianna's words sunk in. His hands stopped their frantic pat-down. They paused for a moment, paralyzed in fear, before falling limp at his sides. Ereshk slowly exhaled. He stared at the young woman with a look of confusion and betrayal. The mage appeared to deflate like a balloon, collapsing back down into the wooden chair. "Left it... in the alleyway..." he murmured, taking a moment to let the finality of it sink in. "Huh." Suddenly, a mountain of a man barreled into the house, blood oozing from a gash in his torso. Ereshk jumped to his feet in surprise, and knocked over the chair he had been using in the process. A shiver ran down the mage's spine as the large man in front of them examined his blood-coated hand. Ereshk had to turn his gaze away just to keep himself from vomiting again. "Wizard... I don't suppose you-" the man paused to cough. "have anything for this, do you?" He appeared to be addressing Ereshk, unless the young apple thief had suddenly sprouted magical powers in the last hour or so. Ereshk risked a quick glance at the wounded man. He immediately regretted that decision, and squeezed his eyes shut a moment later. Nope. Nope, nope nope nope nope nope. Nope. There was just something incredibly unnerving about seeing blood. It wasn't right. Blood was supposed to stay inside your body! Inside! Not out! Ereshk tentatively opened a single eye, choosing to stare at the young apple thief instead of the wounded man. "I appear to have lost my spellbook," he began, speaking slow and steady. "I won't be of much help to anyone until I get it back."