[center][img]http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b635/pandapops7/Roleplays/Girls/Pixiv.Id.1021448.600.1847563_zpsrmjrliad.jpg[/img] PEMARI VICTORIANNA ABERNATHY 68 years old 28/08/1076 Before she was Pemari Abernathy, her name was Victorianna Ceil and she was born to a high class family. Not as high as the the relatives of the Royal Family, but her family line was still very important. Her mother's family were weapon smiths and had been for centuries. Her grandfather forged the sword used by Belzeneff to execute the mad Queen Bellarose, and because of it, her family was rewarded richly. Her father's side had less of an interesting background, and yet her father managed to find a job at the Wizard Council and worked under Mayara Vega as one of her assistants. So coming from two well off families gave Victorianna the childhood every little girl wanted. She attended school as soon as she was old enough and graduated from the Academy in her early twenties, years before the rest of her age group. Her mother wanted her to follow in her footsteps and become a weapon maker but her father wanted her to be involved in the Council. Unsure of what to do, Victorianna chose neither and moved to the South instead. There she traveled around for a while, enjoyed the scenery, and essentially relaxed. She returned to the Main City was she was 46 and got a job in the Council, just like her father wanted. Her younger brother, Victor, chose to follow their mother's line of work and became a weapon maker. [/center]