[center][b][i]The planning between the two jounins! A plan made by Konoha's Green Falcon and Blue Fire! A collab between Roran (Tummy Cat) and Alice (No Nick :C )[/center][/b][/i] [center]Summary: Due knowing many of the details of the mission, Kiyomi decides to brief in Kensuke, but in a way that the students won't hear it or able to say anything about it. They also start to formulate a way how they will try to bring success back home.[/center] [hider=A plan well made.] [b]''Ken-senpai. Would you please start scouting on ahead? I will keep the rear in check.''[/b] Kiyomi asked. She had just given the teams the briefing. Turning her head to glance at her kendo instructor and mentor, he would likely be able to combine the rather calm tone and look on Kiyomi's face to know that she was up to something. Turning back to the teams, Kiyomi would weave a single handsignal. A shadow clone came to existence as it would take some place back at the formations of the team. But while it did so, the shadow clone did something weird. It was a very subtle movement, but it looked like the right hand of the clone went to her ear to brush some hair aside. [b]"Ofcourse. I'll get going at once."[/b] He said, intercepting her gaze. Jumping forwards he activated his earphones the moment he got out of range, setting the channel on C, so only Kiyomi could hear what he said. Bursting through the foliage he then awaited what would undoubtedly be more vital information about the mission. [b]''Good. Now, you heard what I said? That this is between a C and B ranked mission? It is an A ranked mission at best.''[/b] Kiyomi's voice sounded through the earphone communicator. Her voice was still calm, but there was some cold undertone to it. [b]''The bunker that we need to investigate isn't at all abandoned. I also am highly supicious it would be bandits that we are going to encounter. Uncle Z made it clear that we need to stay on watch. That and some other details.''[/b] While saying this to Kensuke, it wasn't the real Kiyomi who was doing that. The shadow clone who kept her distance would be speaking through Kiyomi's earphone communicator. Nodding in response, a gesture he found himself doing often when listening through his earphones which made no sense, he manouvred himself forwards towards the bunker. [b]"Copy that. My squad's encountered bandits before, and they probably won't underestimate them again."[/b] He replied, jumping from branch to branch through the dense foliage surrounding Konoha. [b]"Any more details?"[/b] [b]''Yes...''[/b] It became for a moment silent. [b]''T-The place isn't a bunker from the Great Wars. It is actually something else.''[/b] Kiyomi said. She knew that she was allowed to tell Kensuke. He hadn't been there with the briefing, so she was told she could do it. But Kensuke had already suffered the news of his friends dying. Was it alright to also tell something like this? Though it wouldn't make that much of a difference. Kensuke would figure it out when they would be there. [b]''In the time of the Second and a bit of the Third Hokage, there were some places where humans were used to researched. Living humans.''[/b] Kiyomi's voice sounded now colder than before. [b]"I see."[/b] He replied, the tone of his voice growing a bit darker, but not much. [b]"Do we know how much this will influence the mission?"[/b] He asked, trying to find out wether or not they would run into a hijacked research facitily filled with mutilated corpses or an abandoned bunker with more blood stains inside than healthy. [b]''That who ever is inside that underground base needs to be killed. No questions about that.''[/b] Kiyomi said. [b]''Also that we have to lie against the genins.... This is classified as state secret. What they tried to do there.... was what happened in other countries as well. Creating human weapons... Much like..''[/b] She slowly stopped talking. [b]''Sorry.''[/b] She mumbled after some moments of silence. [b]''So that is about the place. The problem I see however is that you have inexperienced genin. Even with mister Kenta, that doesn't solve the problem. We need a plan on how we are going to do this.''[/b] [b]"Allright."[/b] He pondered. In fact, there was little they could do about it. The genin would see the contents of the bunker if they intended to complete the mission anyways, and they'd just have to resist the moral shock of withnessing that. [b]"If we could lure out the bandits and let the genin clear the surface and upper levels while one of us sweeps the contents of the dungeon, we can avoid too much trouble."[/b] [b]''I was thinking about it. Maybe trying to get in and then place explosive tags at certain points. Then get out and let the whole thing collaps. Fitting actually. Burrying the past like that.''[/b] Kiyomi mumbled the last line. [b]''The problem however is that we have no details about the number of hostiles or any ranking they might have. If it were normal bandits, I think uncle Z wouldn't have send us together.''[/b] Kiyomi became silent for some moments again. [b]''How good is that Hyuuga of yours?''[/b] [b]"He's good for a genin, but needs to learn to work together. Keep a close eye on him. Good thinking."[/b] He replied. [b]"I don't think we can risk destroying the bunker though, however tempting it sounds. A facility like this was probably built to resist some damage, and we can't just blow up the top floors and hope the rest will collapse on itself once those are blown up. Someone will have to clear the entire thing. ... ... I'll do it."[/b] He added, knowing that Kiyomi wasn't at all looking forwards to it. Thereby, he wanted to spare both her and the genin the sight of all that cruelty hidden there, and in fact, he couldn't care less. He knew too damn well how cruel the world was, and the prospect of seeing it in person didn't for some reason appal him at all. [b]''Dumbass, like hell if I would let you do that.''[/b] Kiyomi sounded angry now. [b]''If one of the group has destructive power, it is me. Ken-senpai, I heard what happened, but if you are planning on doing something what is crossing my mind, I am going to pull you out. Understood? Get it?''[/b] Though she sounded angry, Kiyomi managed to calm down. [b]''Listen, we can't risk anything. If we are going to clear it, we will do it together. I am not going to let you protect us all by yourself.''[/b] [b]"I'm not going to let myself get killed, Kiyomi. Team 4 saved my ass one too many times to let myself die like that. All I'm saying is that I couldn't care less about wading knee-deep in mutilated test-subjects right now, and I know you nor the genin are up for that. Thereby, if e can have Ezuri identify the structure of the bunker, I can silently and unnoticed cut the weight-bearing parts of it and bring it down with the least effort."[/b] He replied. [b]"We cannot leave the genin along up there either. We need someone to lead them up there and protect them."[/b] [b]''I... I know.''[/b] She mumbled back. But the image of Kensuke going alone into that stuff. Wasn't it not her role to protect him now? To become the shield? She knew that taking it too literal wasn't what would make her the shield, that Jinkama had taught her. But letting Kensuke going in alone? [b]''What if you get attacked? I would hate to dig myself through a whole floor to reach you.''[/b] She asked, sounding a bit annoyed. [b]"If I get attacked I will defend myself. You have to have a little bit of faith in me. If I encounter something I cannot defeat on my own I'll send out a distress signal and keep myself intact untill you can barge in and be my saviour."[/b] He replied. He didn't mind Kiyomi being worried about him, but she had to remember that the odds were heavily in his favour. He had better eyes than most, could turn invisible, had a wide range of devastating attacks that would be even more efficient than usual inside the confined space of the dark bunker. If anything, she'd have to worry about keeping Kensuke's genin in line, since they tended to be a bit devious in their teamwork tactics. [b]''I have. It is just that I don't take any risks. Like I said, we don't have any intel on what we can encounter there. Nor if I can make it in time.''[/b] She said back. Though she was willing to give Kensuke a shot, understanding what he could have in mind, Kiyomi thought about the risks. If Kensuke would to lose his life. [b]''Why not stick together? We can send a clone of both of us ahead to clear the rooms. We could explain to the genins we are merely trying to take out any surprises. I can easily lend enough chakra to you if you would any.''[/b] Kiyomi suggested, hoping Kensuke would agree with that. [b]"I don't like the idea of sending clones inside. Perhaps we could leave some strong clones with the genin instead, but that'd weaken them too. I still think splitting up is the best course of action. We can decide what we'll do once we have Ezuri see what he can find inside the bunker, allright?"/b] He offered instead, knowing well that convincing Kiyomi of his idea would be ten times more dangerous than actually going inside on his own. It became silent again on her side. Then when she replied, her tone was calmer. [b]''What if Ezuri can't see through it?''[/b] Kiyomi asked. [b]''It hasn't been the first time that something has been sealed off for dojutsu and things like that. If the state has been able to keep this so secret, I doubt that it will be easy to scout like that. What then? Or what if he can't see the enemies? Supressing chakra allows one to sneak underneath even the eyes of a Hyuuga.''[/b] [b]"Then we'll have to delve inside the unknown."[/b] He said on a resolute tone, as if the conversation was over. That was always a possibility, and a risk they would in that case have to take. [b]''Seems so. Not the first time.''[/b] Kiyomi replied on the same tone. It made her remember about that time. Thinking back to the mission of team 4 and 6, capturing the Nibi with groups of Koi's men. [b]''Ken-senpai. Can you do me a favor?''[/b] [b]"Hmm?"[/b] He replied, stopping on a tree branch overlooking a wider area consisting of mostly leaves and branches. Not a good scouting point, but with his dojutsu he was scanning for anything that could betray the presence of bandits near the bunker site, such as smoke from campfires, however scattered after penetrating the dense leaf coverage. [b]''In case anything goes down. Take everybody and leave.''[/b] She paused. [b]''Not that I am going to stick around, but if we need to pull back, just do that and no questions. Can you do that?''[/b] Kiyomi asked. [b]"Fine. As long as I get to take the future Hokage with me in one piece. Understood?"[/b] He replied, before focussing on spotting the bandits. A scoff was heard. [b]''Just make sure that my future Jounin commanders stays in one piece as well. We have no medical shinobi with us. And I highly doubt I am allowed to use Mata-sama's chakra just for everybody.''[/b] Then she paused again. [b]''But understood, Ken-senpai.''[/b] It would take a bit of time to get there. Just half day to a day traveling northwards at a good speed like they were in now. [/hider]