[I]Oh boy, the damn thing was important.[/I] Arianna huffed as the mage plopped himself down in to the wooden chair again. "Hey, come on now." She tried to encourage him to get up again. "I bet it's still in the alleyway. Oh, by the way, my name is Arianna. Anyways, why don't we just-" Suddenly, a man burst through the doorway. Arianna screeched, thinking it was a bandit coming to loot the house. "T-there you are... you can't just run off... alone," the man spoke, obviously weakened as he leaned against a wall. Suddenly, the man's voice and face clicked in Arianna's mind: It was the Rak'thurrian recruit. "Oh, Gods, it's you!" She sighed in relief and tossed her axe on the ground away from anyone to use. "You can't just barge in like that when there are all these bandits in town! You scared me half to death! Haven't you heard of knocking?" She scolded the mountainous fighter, her fear diminished now that she knew who the man was. She then looked down the man's body. There was a distinct scent of blood in the air. Sure enough, the man had a nasty side wound. "Wizard..." He was talking to the mage now, who had bolted upright from his seat. "I don't suppose you-" [b][I]COUGH[/b][/I] "-have anything for this, do you?" The mage answered, informing the man he had lost his spellbook. "Actually," Arianna broke in, "we were about to go get it. We dropped it in an alleyway after-... Well it's a long story." She suddenly sighed loudly. "Okay, before we do anything else, I need some names." She pointed to the Rak'thurrian man. "You're just the fighter who gave me this axe, and sounds [I]way[/I] too formal for your job right now." She then turned and pointed to the mage. "And you're the mage who I stole the apple from. What was your name again? Ershk? Erksh? Arrest, maybe? I don't remember, sorry about that." She brushed a strand of hair out of her face. "Whatever. It would just be nice if I knew them the right way, so one-two-three, name time!"