[quote=Prince] There was no actual given context. Not everyone enjoys Shakespearean literature, nor even understand it, but that doesn't lower its quality. It is preference. In roleplay, there is a juggling act for literary elements and roleplay elements, but personal preference still exists. [/quote] You're seriously losing me here. I understand not every roleplay has the same level of accessibility, but if you put purple prose above clear interaction between players you're moving away from the very concept of roleplaying itself as you're making interaction and communication more difficult on purpose. Unless you have a super niche group or whatever. The arguments over the symbolism in flowery literature for one have been plenty. Well that and [url=http://weknowmemes.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/what-the-author-meant.jpg]the curtains were fucking blue[/url]. Which is fine discussing when it's a non-interactive art-form but... Well... You need people to understand your stuff to work with it, y'know? Drive it too far and you'll end up alienating people. Which is silly when you can have literary elements and not alienate people (as much) by structuring your post and... I'm repeating myself. Here's a [url=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130824200436/clashofclans/images/c/ce/Why_not_both%3F.jpg]tl;dr version[/url].