[center][b]"Shit happens, and it'll happen again, so there's really nothing you can do but wipe it away each time~ ♪"[/b] [img=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v75/3monica6/hmm_zps64df6b53.jpg] [/center] [b]Name:[/b] Mackenzie Cole [b]Age:[/b] Eighteen [b]Gender: [/b] Female [b]Height; Weight:[/b] 5'4; 97lbs [b]Years in Blackwing: [/b] Three months [b]Apartment Number: [/b] 1E [b]Room Description:[/b] [hider=her bedroom][img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/cb7c3aa750d0c2f0a8effd5a337c73f4/tumblr_n0ceblI2al1s5uoeho1_1280.png[/img][/hider] Kenzie's room is pretty bare. She has most of her belongings still in boxes, hidden away in her closet. After years and years of constant moving, she grew tired of having to pack and unpack her things so she learned to just keep her unessential things in the box for efficiency. [b]Odd Trait: [/b] ★ Learning disability (dyscalculic, dysgrpahic) ★ Overly affectionate (the kind that has no sense of personal boundaries) ★ Monophobic ★ Rockstar! [B]Physical Descriptions:[/B] Kenzie has long light brown hair that she tends to pull up in a bun so it never gets in the way, and light gray eyes that have a perpetual dazed look about them. She had a perfectly athletic figure once upon a time, but because she sometimes forgets to eat when she's engrossed in her music, she has become a little bit underweight. Her skin is fair and can't seem to tan at all; she just burns like she's taking a stroll through hell every time she goes outside. Kenzie dresses comfortably, in simple but still somewhat stylish clothes. There's a tattoo of five crows in flight trailing along her right shoulder blade to her lower neck. She pretends they have some deep symbolic meaning, but really, the tattoo was punishment for losing a bet. There's also a small and faint horizontal scar right in the middle of her forehead, from when she fell off the stairs once. She likes to think that it's a third eye just waiting to open. And finally, Kenzie is almost always seen with a surgical mask on. It's something of a suppressor, and it helps her with her bouts of anxiety attacks. Without it, she feels inexplicably overwhelmed, as though whatever it is she's keeping bottled inside will just burst out in a never ending scream. [b]Personality:[/b] [hider=i listed it too.]- Easygoing, move-at-own-pace type - Easily distracted, easily excited - Incredibly open-minded - Selectively listens and therefore has the amazing ability to ignore everything you just said and talk about an entirely different topic - Extremely open with her affections and emotions - Self-proclaimed idiot, not that anyone would argue - Honest, has very little in the way of tact - Tends to suppress and ignore her fears and concerns instead of facing them; doesn't know she's about to overflow with them - Loud: laughs loudly, talks loudly, moves loudly - Passionate, when it comes to music - Genuine - Sociable - Hates when it's quiet - Hides behind people when she's scared [/hider] [B]Background Info:[/B] Kenzie doesn't know who her biological parents are, but they were probably shitty at parenting because social services had to take her away from them before she could even talk. She grew up in the foster care system, where due to unfortunate circumstances, she ended up bouncing from family to family, failing to find a permanent home. Kenzie was actually adopted once, but then her adoptive parents had a child of their own, so back to the foster care system she went. At one point, she ran away, just to get some attention, but no one followed after her. She lived on the streets for a few weeks before she gave up, stealing from a local jewelry store just so she can be sent to juvie and have her first proper meal in ages. It wasn't until she turned thirteen, after being released from juvie and suffering through another year of hopping from family to family, that she experienced some semblance of home stability. Foster home number seventeen looked like the one for her, and she actually had high hopes for it. The family had twin toddlers, but she wasn't singled out or treated differently. They understood the drastic measures she had to take and were sympathetic of her plight. She had her own room, was given new clothes and belongings, and even started regularly going to school again (she was in remedial everything, but what the hell, she finally made friends!). Kenzie allowed herself to believe that it would be a permanent arrangement, and it could have been that and more. But then she fell for her foster dad (which is a pretty big no-no). Twenty-six, absolutely gorgeous, and the first to give her the attention she craved—it was as though she was doomed to like him. She wasn't so stupid that she acted on her feelings, but she didn't hide it either. Kenzie didn't think it would be a problem at all, but her foster mom thought differently. She was unsurprisingly quick to pick up on her attraction. Although she dismissed it at first, thinking it was nothing but a silly schoolgirl crush, she became more wary as Kenzie grew older. See, Kenzie was very open with her affections. While hugging and clinging and showering kisses seemed cute as a thirteen-year-old, it was all but indecent at eighteen. Her foster mom felt uncomfortable and jealous every time she saw Kenzie and her husband together, even though they did nothing out of the norm. It eventually became far too much for her to bear. Right after her eighteenth birthday, her foster mom eventually began urging Kenzie to start living on her own. Her foster dad protested (as if she didn't have enough reasons to love him) but her foster mom wouldn't budge. She assured her that she would have their financial support as long as she needed it and insisted that this was for her own good; that she must learn to be independent to get by in life. As her last resort, her foster mom even confided that she wanted to focus on her twins more. They were supposedly having trouble at their elementary school and she wanted to give them her undivided attention. If it weren't for that, Keznie would have fought tooth and nail to stay. She couldn't possibly deprive other children of their parents' attentions, could she? That would've made her the worst sort of hypocrite. After weeks of apartment hunting, she and her foster mom eventually settled on Blackwing. It was at the ideal location: far enough that Kenzie wouldn't feel the urge to go back home, but still only a train ride away in case of emergencies (because despite her jealousy, her foster mom actually did care for her). She was supposed to have an apartment of her own, but she basically begged not to be left alone, so she ended up moving in with Stella. As with everything else, Kenzie adapted to life at the so-called "Oddball Apartments" easily. She buried the hurt and loneliness in the deepest recesses of her heart and mind, like she always does, and moved on. The tenants there were strange indeed, but she thought she fit in with them perfectly. Even though she has only lived there for three months, she has made herself at home and has become infamous among the more quiet tenants for her frequent loud disruptions. Living with Stella has provednto be quite interesting (Kenzie only found out she was blind like after a month and a half), as well! [B]Other:[/B] ★ Kenzie discovered she had an amazing and powerful singing voice when she lived with foster family number six ("The Zealots"); they took her to church with them every Sunday and made her join the choir. If there was anything remotely consistent in Kenzie's life, it was her passion for music. It wasn't a fleeting fancy like everything else turned out to be; instead of getting bored of it, her love for music actually intensified as time passed on. Singing became her primary means of coping. Whatever her problem is, as long as she can sing her heart out, she thinks she'll be fine. ★ She also learned to play the guitar on her own, and it was surprisingly easy. Learning in general was never easy for her (she still has trouble with basic addition, she can't tell time if it's not digital, and her reading comprehension is far below average) but anything music related seemed almost like an instinct. ★ And speaking of her learning disability, she found that the best way for her to understand something is through listening. If she turns lessons into songs, she realized that it was exponentially easier for her to remember. ★ When she's sad or upset, Kenzie gets super clingy. She refuses to be left alone and will literally follow someone the whole day if she has to. [img=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v75/3monica6/shh_zpsbfc50f89.png] [hider=Kenzie RS] [center]Mackenzie's Name Relationship Chart ♥ = romance|| ♦ = friends || ♠ = enemies || ○ = neutral [/center] [b]Jin:[/b] [♦|♥] "I lovelovelove Mr. Landlord. I don't know where he gets all his money, but he's probably like Batman." [b]Adonis "Andy" Ring:[/b] [♦] "Ahh, the pretty boy! So I heard he knew how to play like a hundred instruments, and I really want to go play with him." Since Kenzie can't get him outside, she likes to climb on his balcony and pester him from there. [b]Daniel Wordsworth:[/b] [♦|♥] " I like Daniel. He's super pretty and he's got the best fashion style. I never buy new clothes without going to him first." [b]Isam Hajjar:[/b] [○|♦] "Ooh, a new person? Fun. I'll go visit him in a bit." [b]Cat:[/b] [○|♦] "Kitty Cat is huuuge. Like, whoa, how do you fit through anything? He's also super scary, but what else can you expect from a giant who can kill you with his pinky toe? …I so wanna get a piggyback from him." [b]Dog:[/b] [♦] "CatDog, CatDog, alone in the world was a little CatDog~ ♪ Doggie is the first friend I made in Blackwing. He's so much nicer than Kitty Cat but less of a giant. I hang out with him a lot." [b]Erin Keller:[/b] [♦] "I wanna touch her leg. Is that rude? Anyway, she's hard to talk to, and she doesn't it like it when I stick close, but she is actually pretty cool. I like her eyepatch." [b]Alice White:[/b] [♦] "Meow meow! Hello Kitty's funny; sometimes I think she actually thinks she's a cat." [b]Amelia Perrault:[/b] [♦] "Someone with handwriting as crappy as mine! ♥ I love that girl. We get along pretty well, I think." [b]Estelle "Stella" Adams:[/b] [♦] "Holy crap, did you know Stella's blind?! I didn't until three weeks ago. She is awesome. I don't think she likes it when I get close to her, though. …OH! Do you think it's because she's blind? Like, she probably doesn't know that it's just me. Maybe I should try announcing before I get close?" [b]Mackenzie Cole:[/b] [♥] "I love me." [b]Leslie "Nevermore" Axelfeild:[/b] [♦|♠] "Eh.. I don't know. Sometimes, he's pretty fun to talk to. I've even bowled with him before. But then sometimes he's not fun at all." [b]Cody Mensah:[/b] [♦|♥|♠] "I like Cody because he's like a big mama bear and it's funny. I hate Cody when he gets fussy and tells me that I'm being too loud." [b]Lucy Coure:[/b] [♦|♠] "Bahaha, lil' Princess is a big brat, but at least she's cute. It's really fun teasing her." Kenzie's got ten years on the girl, but she plays and fights with her like she's eight. Her foster (number seventeen) siblings are around the same age, so she's actually quite fond of Lucy. Kenzie once spent a whole afternoon drawing and coloring with her.[/hider]