[img=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/346/0/0/dream_by_taenaron-d34q599.jpg] [img=http://www.wallpaperfly.com/thumbnails/detail/20120902/abstract%20eyes%20world%20earth%201920x1200%20wallpaper_www.wallmay.net_90.jpg] *It has been about two weeks since you discovered your powers* A field stretched out in front of you, everything is quiet, peaceful, and breathetaking. As you wander you can see the faint out line of the earth and moon above you. They look beautiful from here. Wait, what? "Don't be afraid." A silky voice coos from the darkness. "w-who are you?" The voice laughs from behind. Her honey laugh seeps into your bones, and drowns your fears. "I am Mother Earth." She states. A woman appears infront of you, forming into existence from thin air. Her hair is light sunlight, and actually covers her in a faint glow. Her skin is dark like the dirt near her bare feet, and she is wrapped in flowers and branches that seem to be growing from her skin. "I sent you a gift, My guardian." She says and instantly you think of your powers, your other form. "Yes, thats the gift." She looks into your eyes and you notice that the her eyes looked just like the earth, and clouds seemed to move around them. "I have come to warn you about a great evil that hunts you. Alone you are too weak to face it. Find the other guardians and unite together." She placed her hand on yours. "There are twelve of you all together. When you are near another guardian, this will glow." As she spoke she removed her hand and a faint outline of your Zodiac symble remained. "I must leave now my guardian, but i will return one day." Sen jolted out of bed, her heart beating rhythmically. She flung back her covers and swung her legs over her mattress, her bare feet landing on her plush white carpet. Her dream wasn't scary, so she shouldn't be this nervous. She sigh and stood up. Her feet heavy as she trudged to the bathroom. It just seemed so real, and her powers...She shook her head. Her powers were a mystery, however that does not mean mother nature gave them too her. The sound of rushing water her snapped her from her thoughts as she switched the faucet on. The icy water slide past her palms, pooling in her cupped hands before splashing against her face. She rubbed her eyes and slid her hands down her checks. She was going nuts. The powers, the strange dreams she had been having. Sen glanced at the mirror in front of her before freezing in her tracks. Even in the dim light of the bathroom, she could see it. The mark curving an the backside of her right hand. Her breathe caught in her lungs as she felt the world spot around her. "A great evil is hunting you.." The voice whispered in her head. Sen turned and bolted to her room, she pulled on a dark bue hoody and a skirt that she didn't even bother to check if it matched, she didn't care at the moment. She threw her old bookbag on her bed and crammed various essentials within it. Her boots barely made a noise as she slipped down her steps into the living room. She left a note on the door for her parents. "I have gone to find the guardians." With that she entered the cold dark, midnight air. She took a deep breathe and closed the door behind her.