[Yeah, he's skiing] Bruce shook his head, "Okay, okay.. You're going a bit too far there Gordon." He pursed his lips, watching as she rode off again. Dang, he was still a bit exhausted. Sure, he could leap from rooftop to rooftop, but that was different. It was something he was used to, this, this wasn't anything he had ever really done often. "Yeah, I'm coming Gordon." He muttered, pushing himself forward and following suit, hopping into the next lift. Yeah, this would take getting used to. --- Dick looked back at Ray, his hand shaking slightly. "Erm... Alright, just.. Just be careful alright." He sighed before continuing to the bathroom, sucking in a deep breath when he ran his hand under the hot water. So far, it didn't look as if he broke anything but skin. But, his vision was still a bit blurry, so what did he know?