Shu was certainly curious over everything Takeshi had to say, especially over what he was describing. He had never thought about any of those things, nor did he know what riding a bike was, “Oooh? What’s riding a bike…? Can I do that?” he asked curiously, staring at him thoughtfully. Takeshi sure did go on about a bunch of strange stuff, especially when he seemed to think that he was just getting the hang of being a part of Takeshi’s world. There was just so many things that he still didn’t know, all of them sounding equally as important to know as the rest. Giving Takeshi all of his attention, he stared in wonderment at the thought of going to learn how to make something that was downright dangerous in his old home but made tasty food, “You will? And it will be okay…? I’d like that!” Feeling all excited, he didn’t think all that much when Takeshi started questioning Yumi’s and Choi’s friendship, tilting his head a little as he tried to think about it, “She’s happy though, and he’s happy…but I do miss her too”, he sighed, scratching his chest, “I think his brother would be lonely because I would be lonely too if you went away! I was lonely when you went away before. I’ve only seen you since being on the ship this much”. Viral had problems with accepting himself before and this was just even worse, especially with all this teasing. He was having a hard enough time preventing himself from getting aggressive and now he was made to walk like an animal while trying to prevent all these urges from getting the better of him. It was really hard and the embarrassment was high, but there was no other way to go about it and all he had to do now was be able to meet someone without trying to kill them. With his ears drooping low, he looked up at Vegeta before grunting, shaking his head a little, “I want to maul you every second you’re around me! But I’m not going to…but it’s still hard”, he growled lowly, letting out a sigh, “’Possibly’? I was hoping for a ‘definitely’. I feel like a pet…” Feeling a little fed up with himself, he grumbled and growled away to himself before looking up at Vegeta, frowning a little, “I’ll probably kill them. Incase you didn’t notice I have claws and not fists! I can barely ball it up into one! I would be better fighting dinosaurs…or demons…”