Alexa nodded. Ghost. Not a name she'd ever come across before. Put that together with the confrontation that had just occurred, and Alexa had almost everything she needed to know about this Ghost. Everything up to how well he holds his own in a firefight. Maybe later she'd try and find out if someone on Omega had some dirt on this guy, but that wasn't as much of a priority right now. Alexa folded her arms, taking note of Kali's apparent olive branch, in both her words and her body language. Not that Alexa was surprised; Aria's word alone almost had Alexa expecting Kali to align with her. Still, Alexa appreciated the gesture. "Ghost. Alright," Alexa loosened up. Having sized up this unknown variable in the room, she felt significantly more comfortable. Everything was out in the open, and there was now a general agreement that nobody was going to die. Ghost wasn't quite the coldblooded bitch that Alexa was, but there was definitely something in him that piqued her interest. There was something about this guy that made him important; perhaps the fact that Alexa had never heard of Ghost was it. If he could be placed in the same room, in the same calibre, as Alexa and Kali and still be a complete unknown, that definitely stood out as something exemplary. Still, Alexa felt like she was going to have to push this Ghost to his breaking point to get the most out of him. Alexa nodded at Ghost, an unspoken signal that she approved. Ghost might not understand how the game worked in the mercenary world, but he'd learn quickly. Or someone like Aria would come along and tear him apart. Kali, however, basically ran the game. Alexa and Kali had a similar pedigree - Eclipse, Aria, and some freelance work - but Kali had centuries of experience over Alexa. She didn't show it, but Alexa had to admit to herself that she was in awe of the asari. But, as Kali had said, there was a mutual level of respect there. Alexa turned to face Kali, keeping Ghost in the corner of her eye. "So Aria's told me some things about you. You're part of a handful of people that I've ever heard her compliment, Kali. But she never went further than your work with her. So tell me," Alexa paused, selecting her words carefully. Aria had never divulged anything about what Alexa was about to ask, but Alexa knew enough about Aria to make the assumption. "How far did your relationship with her go? Was it purely business? Or were you as hopelessly indoctrinated as I am?" Alexa chuckled. Her remark came off as a joke, but it was true. Alexa was basically Aria's pet, at this point. It came with the territory of being an emotionally-broken-since-childhood assassin, Alexa figured.