When Kira made his strike towards the nearby units he prepared the blade in his left hand to connect with Ridill’s mobile suit. “First kill. Die!” The swipe missed as the blade went past its target. The Centennial made a sharp turn to face the opponent only to find in short moments how Tadgh’s Actualizer mobile suit made its way towards him. Kira cursed his luck, “Damnit. How is it getting this difficult?” When Kira maintained his defense against Tadgh’s attack, Eleanor began to fire on her weapon on his location before he realized it. “Ah!” He moved aside in an effort to avoid the damage. Kira made another skid away from Eleanor’s aim when he recognized her location. “Miriallia! You traitor!” The Centennial made its way towards Eleanor’s location when he gained his new target. He now had two enemies in front of him and found the odds stacking against him. Sousuke saw the battle against the Actualizers and found himself taken aback by the results. He asked no one in particular on the command bridge, “What’s going on out there? Why is dad having trouble?” Terzo answered regrettably, “The years have not been kind to him. Even today the Commander can’t safely face the Actualizers.” Another operator answered the concern, “Few are able to. Only three have been killed since their discovery.” Terzo tried to contact Kira when he was moving away from the Actualizer mobile suits. “Commander! Report back to the Archangel behind the primary defenses! We’ll be able to offer assistance!” The Centennial found itself trapped within the spikes of Tadgh’s sword as it made an effort to avoid the avoid the potential damage. Kira used his senses and did everything to avoid the damage induced by his Actualizer enemies as the Centennial avoided the flying spikes from the air of the sword. He fell into the trap when he found Eleanor’s shots moved towards her and made several swipes to slice them away from him. Only an amount of the ammunition made its way onto him and Kira found himself growing tired by the minute. Kira heard the suggestion from Terzo when he considered his situation. “Doesn’t seem I… have a choice…” The Centennial turned towards the Archangel when Kira promised, “I’ll never forgive you for what you do now Miriallia.” The newly built Gundam made its way away from the Generics and leading Actualizer mobile suits when Kira made that promise. The civilians had gathered in the bunker area near the hangar bay area while the attack continued. One of the civilians nearby asked no one in particular, “What’s even going on out there anyway? Is this what an Actualizer attack is like?” Trip confirmed the fear when he answered, “Probably everything like this and more. Eurasia and East Asia are both still supposed to be working on the war reparations.” “And we almost had a fourth Bloody Valentine War.” A nearby civilian added. Mei was in agreement when she pointed out, “If we stay here our odds of surviving are not going to be good.” The Alliance Vice Admiral was aboard the patrolling battleship when he viewed the colony’s situation from the outside trying to determine the destruction at hand. He asked one of the operators, “Do we have anything to throw back at these sons of bitches?” “We’re giving them everything sir. But the enemy is still progressing towards the Archangel.” He felt stress mounting on him when he asked, “And what of the Admiral? When is she getting back here?” Another operator was reluctant in delivering the news when he answered, “Admiral Ramius was killed in the blasts sir.” The Vice Admiral only hung his head for a moment when he cursed, “Damn. We couldn’t have picked a worse day to leave our authorities out in the open. Do we have any defense units left?” One of the operators on the mapping area of the ship announced, “We still have a few squadrons in the outer areas sir.” The Vice Admiral was quick to weigh his options when he decided, “Maintain focus on the civilian docks. Ensure that the Colony civilians are able to leave this place alive.” The Vice Admiral’s assistant asked, “What about AERO sir? How do we assist them?” The Vice Admiral himself was reluctant when he answered, “More likely than not they’re lost. It seems like the Actualizers made their way in with the intent of destroying them. At this rate we either face an enemy we can’t withstand or we cut our losses while we’re ahead.” His assistant paused before agreeing, “Yes sir.” He picked up his intercom system when he ordered to the emergency system in Port Two, “Attention. Attention all civilians. The colony is reaching critical levels of damage and may not be safe for human habitation for much longer. All civilians are to report to the nearest hangar bay areas and seek immediate evacuation.” The bridge of the Archangel observed the destruction from afar but saw the Izanagi offering an offensive from the colony’s sky. One of the operators observed the battlefield on the map when he announced, “We’re reading assistance from the Izanagi sir!” Terzo considered the options when he ordered, “Patch them the attack coordinates for the Actualizer locations. Have as many Generics pushed back as possible.” “Shouldn’t we hit the Actualizers themselves?” Terzo used his experience with the Actualizers when he denied, “They’re not going to hit. Right now our only option is to hope that the Commander can take them out with that Gundam we have.” The operator agreed to the order when he requested to the remaining mobile suit pilots, “Defense units from around the Centennial! Don’t permit the enemy to break through!” Sousuke continued to observe the situation outside when he felt the guilt wearing on him. “I don’t get it. Why isn’t he busting everyone out there? This should be an easy battle.” Meyryth was at his side when she answered, “If this were ZAFT or the Alliance of course. He has to work with something he isn’t used to and hasn’t used in too long.” Sousuke groaned when he remembered the situation from earlier. “Why couldn’t they find someone else to pilot it then? Why is he trying to take on this burden himself?” Meyryth looked him in the eye when she explained, “It’s his duty to do it. We don’t have the manpower after those blasts and we don’t have any other pilots. We have to hope that he’s able to handle it himself out there.” Sousuke turned his head down when he cursed the situation, “Is that why he wanted me in there?” Meyryth shook her head when she answered, “I can’t even begin to guess why. The Gundam is made for military use only.” Sousuke turned to her asking, “Dad was a civilian before wasn’t he?” “He was. It was after he first piloted the Strike that he became the man he is now.” Meyryth went back to observing the battle when she concluded, “We have a duty to ensure that the human race is spared from any travesties like these. The first requirement is that we take the idea of piloting seriously to begin with.” Sousuke continued to feel the desperation of the situation building when he tried to figure out what he could have done. He had a chance to save his father from being forced to pilot the Gundam himself. Now he was forced to watch as he struggled with every effort. “This… This can’t be happening…” One of the operators saw the tension building as the Actualizers were moving ever closer into the face of the Archangel. Terzo heard one of the operators warn the crew of the Archangel, “Lieutenant, we have a growing number of Generics forming on the enemy!” Terzo tried to remain calm when he ordered, “Maintain our position! We can’t go anywhere until we have clearance!” One of the operators from the lower bridge requested, “Do we have any word from the Commander?” “Patch him through!” Terzo quickly sought advice from his superior when he asked, “Commander! Can you maintain your position?” Kira reported back to his lieutenant, “I’m doing everything possible. These two are becoming difficult.” There was another explosion when Terzo tried to advise, “Commander please return behind the primary defenses! We’ll do everything to ensure your safety!” Kira continued to move towards the Archangel as he attempted to maintain his ground. “Keep firing on them! I might be able to find an opening if this keeps up.” “Commander…” Terzo tried to avoid observing the Commander’s weariness when he ordered, “Continue to maintain fire on the enemy! Don’t let them reach us!” Kira gave a final order when he launched the Centennial forward commanding, “If you can signal Commander Zala to this location let him know that the situation is getting desperate!” Terzo adjusted the nearest panel when he agreed, “Right away sir. Contacting him now.” Sousuke gripped a nearby rail when he cursed, “Dad…” It was the extent of his curse when he couldn’t bring himself to chastise his father any further.