On another site I resided on "long ago," we had a thread in which people quoted their fave RP lines. Well, due to the Guild being all fresh and rebooted, we perhaps don't have much yet here in the way of quotable quotes (or perhaps we do?), so, quote from here or from wherever else you may have RPed previously. To start off, I'll throw in a quote of my own work someone else quoted on that "long ago" site: [center]_______________________________[/center] A bare second passed after the Nekojin let out his satisfied sigh, before a snort could be heard, coming from above. From high up in a tree. This snort sounded a bare second before scrabbling could be heard... claws desperately grasping for purchase on slippery mossed branch, perhaps. And shortly after, a brief expletive, fortunately in an alien tongue... a furred and scaled body, unfortunately on its way down, very fast, in a rustle of leaves. Impact with the ground, a very distinct THUD!... dust, leaf-litter, and incomprehensible swear words, poofed into the air... ... and the sound of feminine laughter, also falling from above, through leaves, and out of the tree. Deen hadn't suffered any harm, really, but he didn't feel at all happy at having been so... abruptly woken from his nap. After flailing around for a bit, in a fit of disorientation, he finally just relaxed, and flopped with a huff and a sigh, eyes directed towards the overhead laughter... though this laughter had subsided into fits of giggles... ... [b]"I'd like to see you make such a fall graceful, Sweetness...."[/b] A very female voice called down... ... [b]"If you had been born a cat, My Love, you would have landed on your feet."[/b] [center]_______________________________[/center] Heh... I quote this particular passage mainly because my use of the word "thud" became a running gag.