[quote=Guy of Z] "I am the Servant Archer" [/quote] "Welcome then, Archer. As soon as your master awakens I shall begin speaking to him" Kotomine told the Servant. [quote=Struggle] "Just one question, I was under the impression there were only 7 servants. What is Ruler?" While he didn't show it, Brecht was annoyed at having to proclaim his ignorance however information gathering was part of the job and there'd be no better candidate to ask than this priest. [/quote] "Ruler is simply here to make sure this war goes smoothly. As long as you follow the rules of the war, you'll have no worry" Kotomine explained. [quote=Serperion] Levi had awoken, to what seemed to be cuts, brushes and shrubby all over his body. Archer had somehow taken it upon himself to drag him to the church was he not aware how dangerous that was. Levi had expelled alot of energy on that summoning, due to adding a few certain alterations to it that not only allowed for a better resonance with his servant but still had yet to be seen effects from his Ouroboros trait."Archer what? I said let me rest a moment, but it seems you were too eager." He said lightly rubbing his head. During his time out he had gone back to the origin, a cache of 1000 years of knowledge, history and magecraft, each time he feel asleep and his mind entered a different place, his mind palace he would discover a little more and would wake up just that small amount enriched, at times if his body or the universe demanded he know something, his eyes would roll back and he would be forced into his state of learning. The state of sleep, alive yet mimicing death, your mind focused yet oddly random. If anything when Levi slept it was a combination of a coma and astral projection and due to the nature of his magecraft it meant his opposite was able to move slightly from the realm of death one step closer to the living allowing a crossover of mentality which manifested in the mind palace.Levi quickly gained his composure. "Father, mediator." He said bowing before Kotomine."I am Leviticus Masters the 9th of his name and master to Archer." [/quote] Turning to the now awakened master, Kotomine spoke. "Welcome, Master Leviticus. Since you have summoned your servant, I assume you know the rules of this war. But to be sure, are there any concerns or questions you may have?"