I regret to announce that I'll be gone for an indefinite period of time. Real-life issues have become such that I can neither afford nor want to spend my time on RpG enough to grant appropriate attention to any roleplays I GM or otherwise. I'm not bored of it, to note, just careful and considerate of my situation. RpG gets in the way, simply, and I can't afford it further. I'm not going to get into details as to what's going on, so you'll just have to be satisfied with what I've said. It heavies my heart to do such a thing to a great group of people like yourselves, but ultimately my life comes first, selfish as it might sound. I will not forget this place, and if I do come back then it will be restarted to a degree. Until then, I'm leaving Disciple Cain in charge of this thread and the usage of the Aurora universe. Go to him if you've got questions about portraying Aurora in other threads/roleplays. He's free to continue this if he likes, and dictates what's okay on the wikia. Disciple if you've got any questions about Aurora or whatever then just PM me. I'll be checking them for one or two more days. I may never return, and I may return within several months. Who knows. Until next time.