Feneya swallowed a growing lump in her throat as the pain in her shoulder kept getting worse. She thought about the dragon's offer but she realized with a glance at her wound that she would only slow them down. She took a deep breath and turned towards the young serf. "Your...Your offer is kind, but you need to leave." She winced "Go get your master and go find the other dragons, try to..." Feneya felt herself growing weaker as she turned slightly towards the mountains "Try to regroup." She saw the concern in both dragonelle's eyes and she forced herself to stay firm "If the humans are following us, I can't out fly them, not like this. None of us know how many they will bring, or what vile weapons they will use. If you stay with me, you are putting yourselves at risk, and I won't let any dragon's blood be shed for me." She turned her face towards the wimborne "The death of one dragon is better than four." Feneya quickly dived towards the rocks and tried to see the drake but her mind was growing fuzzy and before she knew it, she was losing control. She forced herself to stay awake and only just managed to land without crashing. Unfortunately, she hadn't gone as far as she wanted to and wound up on the same mountain as the drake. Feneya struggled to stand and pointed weakly to the sky. "Drake...Thank you...For giving us time but...You have to...You have to go..." Feneya collapsed and struggled to stay awake. Blood loss, lack of sleep, and hunger had taken their toll on her.