[hider=Walker]Name: Walker Pritchett Nickname: None Age: 18 Gender: Male Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Appearance: Walker is 5’10” with an athletic build indicative of someone who, well, is an athlete. He has a collection of faint scars from reckless and often irresponsible behavior. Due to the summer, he’s gotten a nice sun-kissed glow to his skin, turning his medium complexion into a dark olive complexion. He’s one-fourth Apache, but he looks closer to half with the tan. The color of his eyes are primarily a dark shade of blue that bleeds between pale shades of green and gray. His hair is dark brown and wavy, long enough to put into a ponytail. He has studs in both of his lobes and a ring in the cartilage of one ear. He also has a tattoo he got this summer of a [url=http://www.tattoocanyon.com/tattoo-pictures/thumbs/12/thumb-hot-native-american-tattoo-flash-indian-feather-tattoos-house-12489.jpg]feather[/url] on the back of his shoulder. Loves: His family- Harper included, music, kale, hanging out, animals Likes: Travelling, skateboarding, movies, people, Texas, staying out late, meditating Dislikes: Politics, being indoors for extended periods of time, reading Hates: Gossips, rumors/lies, feeling depressed, being alone to his thoughts Personality: Walker is a very spiritual person. For a long time, he struggled with depression, but a combination of medication and therapy set him on a brighter path in the middle of high school. He’s always loved socializing and entertainment in almost any form, but now he’s much more easy-going and laid back without the liberal use of weed. That being said, he can still be a bit of an ass towards people who he doesn’t like who tend to be bullies or people who think they’re better than everyone else. He’s very outspoken with his dislike for someone for as long as he’s talking to them, but he tries to avoid those kinds of confrontations. It takes him a while to really open his heart up to someone. He doesn’t like to take things seriously and often has trouble coming to terms with any strong emotions he might feel. He tends to bottle things up until he’s fit to burst. He’s selfless, though, and a very loyal friend. How they got the invite: He’s best friends with Harper and helped plan some of the trip. Brief bit about them: Walker used to be a big trouble-maker in school, and in some ways he still is, but now he’s all grown-up and mature (some of the time). He’s adopted and he’s known for four years and even made contact with his biological family. His biological parents are estranged. He’s joining the Peace Corps in the Fall and is going into training for a couple months before setting off for Swaziland as a Community Services Volunteer. He knows some licks of Spanish and is starting to dabble in Swatsi. Notes: He met Harper in the 6th grade and they’ve been best friends ever since. He was adopted in Texas, but they moved when he was ten to the suburbs of NYC. He used to have a Southern accent, but he doesn’t anymore. He can put it on like a pair of shoes, if he’s in the mood. He’s never been kissed or on a date or anything romantic like that.[/hider] [hider=Forest]Name: Forest Selanne Nickname: N/A Age: 17 Gender: Male Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual, probably Appearance: Forest has ash brown hair that’s cut short to keep down what would otherwise be untamed curls. He tans especially well over the summer since many of his hours are spent out on a farm, a dark olive skin tone, but his tan lines are mostly where he wears his shorts. His eyes are round and a dark shade of blue that leans more towards gray than anything else. He’s 5’11” and fit from lots of swimming and hard work. Contrary to country fashion, Forest scrounged up all the tops he had that weren’t flannel and bought a new pair of walking shoes (all of his footwear were either worn out or boots- and he brought a pair of work boots just in case) for the trip. A good amount of his clothes are hand-me-downs from his dad and older cousins, uncles and so on, but they fit him well, even if he’s a little skinny for some of them. He has a belt and a polished belt buckle for such instances. Loves: Horses, swimming, the outdoors, his family, steak Likes: Sailing, dressage, races (NASCAR, horse, etc.), watching TV, Manhattan, ukulele Dislikes: Getting stains on his clothes, flying Hates: Cuss words, yelling Personality: Forest can be shy upon first meeting, especially around girls, but he warms up quickly to new people, assuming they aren’t rude. He was raised on manners that might be outdated to some, but he holds doors, is always ready to lend a hand, and says “please” and “thank you” and those sorts of things just because it’s a nice thing to do. First impressions aside, he can be a complete goofball. He likes to horseplay with his friends (unless they’re girls, of course) and is as physically affectionate as he is verbally. He’s not a big romance guy, but he knows how to pay compliments and he does often just for the chance to brighten someone’s day. He's a simple guy with simple pleasures. He’s never met much strife in his seventeen years, but because he hasn't gotten out much, it's easy for him to get uncomfortable in completely new situations. He tries not to pass judgments, but his country-fried way of life has been deeply engrained in his bones. But he's willing to try almost anything at least once. How they got the invite: His favorite cousin Walker invited him. Brief bit about them: He lives on a farm in West Odessa, Texas. When he was thirteen, Walker made contact with them for the very first time and put his dad, Walker’s uncle, in tears. The whole family was happy to have him, even if Forest never met his uncle, but they became close friends over the years. Forest is the second eldest of seven kids with another one on the way. Including him, there are three girls and four boys- one set of twins, which are the youngest. They own and operate two farms, his father’s and his mother’s, which is run mostly by his mother’s siblings. Notes: He speaks with a Southern drawl. He has perfect pitch, which goes pretty much unused aside from church and whenever he feels like playing his ukulele. This is the first time he’s been out of the state of Texas.[/hider]