Shu certainly felt confused, feeling a little happy that Takeshi was offering to give him some help when it came to riding a bike, but he still didn’t know what else there was to this whole riding a bike thing nor did he know what a bike was. He really did enjoy learning new things, but he had no idea what most things were that were normal in Takeshi’s world, “Ooh! Yeah! I don’t know what that is, but I want to learn sometime!” he spoke up, bouncing a little on his toes. He barely knew what he had to be excited for when he had no idea what it even was, but any activity with his brother was a nice activity and it kept him from feeling too lonely. Not feeling too sure to how he was supposed to react to Yumi not being around much, he let out a sigh and pressed his fingers together, “I guess so, I do miss her sometimes”, he frowned, looking up at Takeshi, “What if we asked if she wanted to hang out with us again? Mister Viral must be missing her being around too”. Letting out a sigh, he lowered his head a little before looking back to Takeshi, giving a little smile, “That would be nice, but we got to cook food too! If we leave it might burn and that would be a bad thing, but being alone is a bad thing too…” Viral growled lowly, shaking his head, “Maybe just now…but I don’t know about later…” he grumbled, feeling uneasy, “I’ve never felt so much pressure to be in one state of mind…” It really was difficult, especially when this form had come out because of pain and aggression so feeling nothing but that made it hard to concentrate. Just because he changed form didn’t mean he still wasn’t feeling the pain from battle, his big difference right now being it was all spread out and distributed across his body rather than being in focused areas. He wanted relief from it, it was making him angry, but he probably wasn’t going to find that relief and would have to instead figure out what he was supposed to do while in this form. Feeling oddly trapped, he slowly moved with Vegeta, giving him a glance before looking down the hall as well. It was that kid, the freeloader who saw him in the middle of his change. He didn’t know how he felt about fighting that kid, especially with a good set on claws. Slowly moving behind Vegeta, he growled lowly and crouched down, “I’d kill him…and he smells of meat still…he even smells like the bug-kid and fruit…”