Sen thought for a second before unzipping her bag. She wasn't entirely sure what she had packed in her haste. It appears that in her haste she had grabbed a change of clothes, a stuffed mouse which she had no idea why she would pack, a stick of gum which was probably left there from when she last used he backpack, a flashlight, a few packages of food, and her wallet. She pulled out her wallet and thumbed threw some bills. "I can add $20 and ... 75 cents." She snapped her wallet and shoved it into her hoodie pocket. Then she shoved her hand back into the pack to snag the flashlight when she thought of something. She quickly unzipped a side pocket and pulled out a small purple flip phone. She glanced at the front screen to she her battery blinking on the final red marker. She offered it to Jeffrey "The battery's low put you can send your parents a quick message."