Eve sighed and stuffed her hands into her lightweight coat. Now that she wasn't groggy, the dream started to come back to her in bits and pieces. She had to find more of these people and figure out what was going on. The dream had mentioned powers and that made her wonder about the other day, she was thinking about calling her father and without pulling out her cell phone she heard her father's voice go "Hello?" After spinning around several times and finding no one around her, she was left to wonder what had just happened. Now, realizing that powers were involved in this mess, maybe this was part of it. Communicating with people without calling? It was nonsense. Looking up ahead she saw two figures on the sidewalk. Looking at them, concentrating she tried to send a message, "Hey!" she shouted in her mind. She wasn't sure how loud she had to be to send a message, but maybe it would go through. If it did, that was reassuring evidence that this was real.