Leading Emi down the second staircase, Kenji stopped when they reached the halfway mark. Turning to the younger Yokai, he tipped his hat upward to reveal his mismatched eyes. "Well, I hope you had fun Miss Emi! I have to apologize though for the sudden turn of events. Miss Yui decided to ruin everyone's fun, especially yours. And I'm very sorry about [i]that[/i]." For a moment, it almost seemed like he spat out the last word in poisonous disdain, though his demeanor remained the same. "That being said, I hope my own little tantrum hasn't soured any relations between you and I, yes? I do want to see little Tetsuya grow into a powerful Yokai who won't only guard the Tsubasa Clan...but you as well Miss Emi." Kenji clapped his hands together in joy. "Therefor as a token of my humble gratitude, I'm doubling up on my offer from before! Not only am I gonna help you win the love of your undead life, but I'll even throw in some extra training to make sure he gets stronger. You know, to protect you? Don't you want that?" Leaning down slightly, he smiled to assure Emi's doubts about him. "Whaddya say? Still have a deal?"