Baryl O'Connor sat alone in his room, studying a piece of concrete he had found. Barry didn't know the actual names of the many minerals that made up the substance, but he was intimately familiar with each of them. This piece was adequate. Barry placed this rock among the many others in the back corner. This was where all of the carving stones went. He peered over to the opposite corner. In this corner were his finished pieces. Most of them were animals, but occasionally he sculpted other things. He actually had a sculpture of Rose himself, standing beside an exact duplicate. He remembers when he first seen Rose, the sight of two people with the same appearance standing close to each other had been something interesting enough for him to sculpt. He'd never let Rose know these were here though. The man was tolerable most of the time, but sometimes he would become insufferably nosy. Barry avoided him most of the time. Suddenly Barry begun feeling his stomach gurgle. 6 already? He's been going through the same routine for so long that he could tell the time based on how hungry he was. With a sigh Baryl got up and made his way out of his cell. People who frequented the area around his cell knew exactly when he was going to leave. It became something of a game for some of the other inmates, but Barry did not mind them. He marched through the building at his usual leisurely pace, looking to get a bite to eat.