[quote=SomeoneSomewere] If humans back then could kill it, what prevents a saber tooth tiger? A woolly mammoth is by far larger than the woolly rhino, and would so be harder to kill. Yet, a saber tooth could kill it. Saber tooths were built to kill large prey animals, unlike the tigers and lions of today( which will occasionally attack adults but prefer to stick to calves or sick rhinos). A saber tooth would be wary of attacking a rhino, simply because of the danger of the horns on it ripping it open. [/quote] A whooly mammoth is much easier to kill, because of it's size and build. A whooly rhino has means of defense, and offense. If you put a whooly rhino, and a sabertooth in a boxing ring, who would come out on top? The friggin rhino! Sabertooths would go for the neck, but the rhino has too much skin for even a sabertooth to tear through, and in all reality, all a rhino would have to do is lift up, and stomp on that cat. If a sabertooth was in a pack, and they cornered the rhino, the rhino would be screwed. But in a one on one battle, a rhino would win.