Daigo ignored the majority of what was being said on the various televisions. It was news or something, but that didn't matter. It was all Greek to him(both literally and figuratively). The young man only knew Japanese and some rudimentary English. It wasn't his fault he had no idea what the newscasters were going on about. There wasn't a single place in Japan(that he knew of) that actually taught Greek. And even if he knew a place that did, it wasn't like he was going to go out of his way to learn it. There were no such things as games made in Greece, after all. Anyway. Back on topic. Greek newscasters shouting something about "spartoi" or something had nothing to do with Daigo at the moment. Probably. Probably. The_Fiend felt somewhat insulted by 2fast's lack of reply other than shouting "rape" before he even had a chance to act. It was pretty rude of her, all things considered. You don't just ignore The Fiend. That's not cool. Not cool at all. However, Kaguya did not ignore Daigo's inquiry of how she beat him. It may not have been noticeable if the two were not speaking so closely to one another (due to the young man's rather aggressive manner of initiating conversation) unless the inquirer had been focusing closely on the inquired's facial reactions. The only response she had given was a brief smile. That was, of course, ignoring the two slaps. The two slaps were definitely a reaction. The first was probably to demonstrate her romantic interest in him. The second was probably in case he didn't get it the first time. After all, if the hefty amounts of dating sims he played were to be believed, the girl was just being a tsundere. If Daigo were any other man, he would feel flattered by Kaguya's public displays of affection. But Daigo was not was not any other man. Daigo was The Fiend. He chose to ignore 2fast's advances, seeing as how he was already married. To video games, that is. Video games and his waifu(Seri Kawakuji from the Jin Megumi Tensai spinoff, Mask 4). Back on track, the only meaningful reaction noticed by Daigo was the smile. To him, this reaction was extremely important. If the hefty amounts of dating sims he played were to be believed, the reaction of a simple smile was sometimes the most important reaction to look out for. Usually, it meant they character was hiding a secret. And what was the smile a reaction to? [quote]"Only a god could beat The_Fiend. And don't tell me you're a god, they don't exist."[/quote] Ah, yes. That was it. He inadvertently accused her of being a god. The smile probably meant she was indeed one(or at least, that's the conclusion Daigo's currently unstable mind's logic led him to). And it made perfect sense. That was how she was able to end The Fiend's winning streak. He stood with a blank expression for a few moments before finally deciding it would be a good idea to board his plane, so he did so. Once on the boarding dock, he looked at his boarding pass for his seat number; A1. The first seat, a first class window seat. How perfect for such a champion. Daigo also figured he may as well follow Kaguya and continue to interrogate her, seeing as how they happened to be on the same plane. "I've never met anyone with a reaction time like yours. It's like you know what I'm going to do a full 180 frames before I do it. How'd you get that good at predicting people?"