Mary Aylmer was an old vampire, she was 376 years old and had fought in her own kinds wars for hundreds of years. She had faced down monsters of the sort that most humans would never have even imagined, not even in their worst nightmares. She had slain vampires, mad witches, werewolves, fey and more, and yet in this moment she was terrified then ever, even in this safe little town. Mary lived alone on the outskirts of town. It was easier that way for her, away from most society. She was rarely visited by any species other than her own, and thus the first knock on her door, late at night, caught her by surprise. When she opened the door she was even more shocked to find two children, even by human standards, the elder, a girl no more that sixteen, with long blond hair, bangs hanging down over her eyes. She was wearing a flannel shirt unbuttoned over a light weight tank top with the sleeves rolled up and some type if camping backpack. The boy couldn't have been more than eight, the same light blond hair, long, he was wearing a denim jacket much too large for him, over some type of stripped shirt. "Can we use your phone please?" The girl asked. Mary's heart froze at the chilling sound of the voice. There was something wrong with these two. "I don't have a phone child." She answered firmly, trying to sound steady and calm. "You need to have a phone." The young girl spoke firmly, "You have to." Her voice spiked and she stomped her foot, shaking her hair out of her eyes. Mary saw her eyes then. There was no iris, no white. Where those things should have been there was just black, black laced with red tendrils. So too, Mary realized, were the boys eyes, except while the girls eyes were laced with red tendrils, the boys were laced with blue. --- Mary Aylmer's body was found hung upside down pierced with multiple stakes and blades, as well as wounds that were left gaping open, her fangs had been ripped out, and yet there was no blood anywhere. This murder is considered to be top priority by the city council and is to be addressed immediately by the elders of all the races at an emergency meeting, open to any and all members of the town.