Micheal slowly gauged their reactions, they wanted more information, anything that could give well, anything. Kali is more interested in Aria's Fist currently, but I sense that Alexa (WE DO NOT KNOW SHE IS ALEXA YET, Calling her Alexa for sake of ease) definitely wants to find out as much as she can about me. Micheal wanted let them talk, hopefully he could find some more information about these two women. He tried to act as unnoticeable as possible made sure he could hear the conversations these two will have. Unfortunately, neither of them have an openness or middle ground to him, they might even distrust him. They've both had years of experience in this exact field, Micheal couldn't read them. [i]"I don't even know if they notice what I'm doing or not, but the best scenario is that Kali's eagerness to find out who Alexa is will score me a free pass."[/i] Micheal thought that if any other mercenaries came, he could shift their attention away from him and onto the newcomer. [i]"This is starting to seem like a bad idea, there is a 90% chance that the "Client" isn't going to go through on his promise. Maybe he should just slip away now and go find a more productive way to do his work.