As the steel doors of the warehouse crept open, Carrie suddenly realized the scope of what she was walking into. The poorly manned defenses and the unimproved landing pad paled in comparison to the massive cargo elevator, or more importantly, whatever facility laid beneath it. There's a lot of money here, too much for it to be some two-bit waste of funding. It was clear that something big was happening, and there were people, likely in the assumedly expansive UNXIPU headquarters beneath her feet, who knew much more than she did. The minor annoyances of the others, particularly the other Americans, were washed away at the sight of the semi-trucks weighted down with cargo waiting to descend. The only thing she cared about at this point was getting inside and figuring out what exactly was going on. Sure, she'd heard the rumors of UFO sightings, but there was always some local-yocal crackpot screaming at anyone who'd listen about lights in the sky. Apparently, the U.N. was listening, and time with ears that big wasn't earned without warrant. She hurriedly made her way to the closest of the two security checkpoints, where her paperwork and orders of reassignment were scrutinized with unreasonable detail by a large, bald man bearing the flag of the Russian Federation. Tensions had been running high between the countries since Russia's invasion of the Ukraine was met by what had turned out to be nothing but empty threats by the United States. The world had feared a second cold war, but instead of an arms race, the extent of the hostilities was some bald douchebag busting her balls at every turn. After answering what seemed like was an endless list of unnecessary questions about her papers, the man snorted, satisfied, and issued her a I.D. and a stamped document assigning her to 'Echo Squad'. She brushed past the guard, waiting on the other side of the security point for the rest of the group. "I am", she spoke confidently to Dean without looking at him, much more interested in the room's focal point, where the trucks' diesel engines chattered, almost as impatient as her.