-Roland- Roland was leaning behind his father's desk, his right hand supporting a black spiral bound notepad, the other twirling a bright yellow number two pencil. His father had just taken his seat, and the room was slowly filling with on-lookers, coming to hear what the council and the elders would have to say. This was, after all, the first murder to go unsolved for more than twenty-four hours in the town of Arryn in over a hundred years, and the emotions were a delicate mixture of fear and anger at the prospects of old tensions arising between the bloodlines of Arryn. Roland cast his gaze out into the crowd that was gathering around the seal of the council and their desks, wondering if perhaps there was a freshly blooded killer among them. If there was Roland would have found himself at a loss. These were his neighbors, his friends. He had gone to school with these people, learned from these people, grown up surrounded by these people. To think that one of them could be the killer, it sent his stomach into spirals. -Connor- The Vida had passed a ruling earlier in the day restricting the permission of Coven members to attend the meeting. Those permitted to go to the 'open' town meeting were the best of their bloodline, the strongest, toughest most forceful looking, as well as those with reputations for strength and ability, and as Connor looked at the members of his Coven he realized he was the youngest of them there. Then he saw his uncle take a seat at the councilors table, and watched as his father and uncle quietly passed an almost imperceptible glance between one another a subtle nod, confirming that they were on the same page. A hushed silence fell over the room and the Chairman of the Council, a human name Frank Galloway, cleared his throat. "Today we are here to bring to light the issue of the death of one Mary Aylmer, a member of the D'finn bloodline. At this time, it can be confirmed, due to the manor of her death, that her passing was neither accidental nor self inflicted, and that as of today, our police force will be opening an investigation into the matter. With that being said, are there any questions?"