Yu sits quietly, waiting for the boy to finish speaking before transforming, not wanting to interrupt him rudely by the sudden shift. [i]'He seeks truth, while so many in these days would prefer the beautiful lie. He denies me not, at least with his words, even if his heart has yet to settle'[/i] Bowing his hied low to his feet the youkai slowly stretches back until his nose it pointed up to the sky. Reality around the beast seems to bend slightly, like looking through a warped piece of glass, then with a faint shimmer, Yu sits looking completely human on the back of the bench where the cat had been only moments before. His nude form ripples as he stretches, remaining perfectly balanced on his backside while all his limbs reach outwards. As almost an afterthought when his body relaxes once more cloth seems to fly out of nowhere, wrapping around the figure until he is at last clothed in an kimono. His silver hair gleams in the afternoon sun, the black streaks making it look much like his natural fur. However that is the only sign that he is anything but human, his tail, ears, and claws he normally has are gone, leaving him feeling a little bare, however for the boy's comfort, and his own safety, he will endure. His white skin almost appears otherworldly, however with the advances in human research, the possibility of having that color spliced into a baby is not impossible, though it is not recommended. Skin like Yu's would naturally burn easily, however as he is not human, Yu I safe from such things. Shaking out his hair the youkai shifts a bit until at last hopping off of the bench, catching his balance carefully. It has been a very long time since he's been in human form without his tail, and even before that, a long time since being in human form at all. His hands fall gracefully back to his sides once his balance is gained and he looks to Ethan with that same warm cat smile, however on a human face it is bound to look different. “You ask a good question, one which, while simply answered, spans far beyond the truth of what I say, and into things both I can not discuss, and things I would rather not. That being said, I will answer what I can.” Walking carefully he stays within earshot of the human while he begins playing with thing with his human hands, the feel of the textures on his flesh far different than on his paws. “The truth of the matter is a sad history that began as wondrous, and peaceful. Youkai once lived along side humans, though not as depicted in films, with each race seen as equal and living in the open.” He glances at Ethan before going on, poking at a trash bin. “It is not they thought themselves better, nor we better than they, we simply did not take such consideration, and we stayed apart in that even if we were known, as I was in my youth, by the locals, we did not live with, just always just off to the side.” He begins humming softly before going on, trying to think of how to word the next part. “Most. . . Most Youkai were content to live in their own communities, away from human settlements, however some of us were drawn to human, a need to nurture and protect them being a part of us, so it was we, those different from our more wild kindred, that would live and protect humans. Bringing them fortune, finding things that were lost, defending any particular place we consider our own from invading forces.” Wandering back over to the bench Yu hops up on the back again, sitting with his legs crossed while leaning back to look at the sky. “We were never drawn to the darker sides of human nature, it naturally repelling us. . .However, human nature took a turn one day, and we, being not human, and not understood [b]by[/b] humans, were cast under suspicion and cast out and denounced. We fell from our places as protectors, blamed for misfortunes we could not have hopped to stop, and, eventually, it became that we no longer protected humans. Openly or in secret. The risk to us on the whole was too great.” His hand slides up, clutching at his shoulder. Just beneath the tips of his fingers is where his scar begins, and with a soft sigh his eyes fall closed, trying not to think of that day.