[center] [img=http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss87/beloved_darling/7fe1f568-d125-4d96-8dbc-2b79a3ccfc02.jpg] BASKETTE BARRU 116 years old 20/11/1028 Baskette is a wizard who lives in the main city and she currently stays with her older sister, Basa, in a large house. Baskette is an accomplished and talented artist who specializes in paintings. She spent her childhood living in the poor district and became inspired to become a painter after seeing graffiti and murals all over buildings. Her magical paintings have pictures that move and sometimes have amazing effects, such as sparkles or 3D effects. She enjoys giving her art to her sister and hanging them all over the manor. Despite her success with her hobbies, Baskette has a hard time in social situations, and her only close relationship is with her sister. She has always had trouble with relationships, both romantic and platonic friendships, because she is afraid of commitment and being held back by people, and especially the thought of becoming a parent someday. No matter how hard she tries Baskette never lasts in a relationship more than a few months, but she thought that she changed after befriending Weruweru Taiga. He was depressed over his missing sister and dead father, and she did her best to pull him out of despair and make him smile. They made each other genuinely happy and he became her best and only friend. She slowly fell in love with him as time passed and for once, she dated him without fearing commitment and he was her longest relationship. She happily accepted when he proposed to her and she thought she was ready to finally start a new chapter of her life, but on her wedding day Baskette’s fear returned tenfold and she didn’t know how to handle it. She ran away in distress and didn’t realize she had abandoned Weruweru until it was too late. She was too ashamed to face him again, so she moved in with her sister, and could never find the nerve to speak to Weruweru again. [/center]