[center] [img=http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss87/beloved_darling/6aae29a2-2179-4f24-90f2-7f71273940ed.jpg] BASA BARRU 131 years old 16/09/1013 The Head Executioner before Judicael, Basa is a wizard who believes in justice and did her best to cleanse Wiz of wizard criminals. She has great respect for the royal family and could never bring herself to harm any of them, which made her disobey Belzeneff’s orders and save Belissiah Black by giving him to her friend’s daughter, Furea. She currently lives in the Main City in the wealthiest district after buying a nice house with the money she earned from her old job. She grew up as an ordinary commoner in the main city and spent most of her youth getting in trouble with her parents for getting in fights. Basa hated bullying and always beat up her classmates if she saw anybody picking on someone, and she was often isolated from others her age because she was bossy and intimidating. It wasn’t until she was 15 that she started learning to think first before throwing a punch, when her younger sister Baskette was born. Basa was involved with Baskette’s life as much as she could and always found time to play with her sister. She became much more patient and level-headed after constant babysitting and learning she couldn’t boss around an infant. Despite their age gap, Basa and Baskette developed a strong sister bond. Basa was 21 when Bellarose began her ruled and she developed a hatred for criminals even more during this period. The middle class no longer existed and her family was unlucky enough to fall into poverty during this time, but they survived by growing their food in a large garden that her grandmother planted before she was born. Basa had to constantly fight off thieves trying to steal from her family and more than once she saw people killed on the streets over simple loaves of bread. When Belzeneff took over and their family was slowly able to recover again, Basa developed a great respect for the king. Her hatred for criminals still burning strong, she eventually became an executioner for the wizard council. As an executioner she was very strict about wizards who broke laws and as the years passed, started to feel less and less remorse for criminals sentenced to death. She was crafty in getting information out of prisoners and became one of the best torturers. Basa was eventually promoted to Head Executioner at age 70 and held the position until she decided to retire 15 years ago, when her health started to decline. She now lives in a luxurious house with Baskette, who moved in with her 10 years ago after getting cold feet at her wedding. [/center]