You guys are quite accurate in your estimations about real world equivalents. The continents are obviously based on our real world continents in some manner, fashion, or form, but I never cared to specify. An important part of reading about or being in a fantasy world is that you are allowed to imagine things for yourself. Names like ‘Suji,’ of course, strongly suggest Asian influences, but whether you think of Japan or China, or some other place in Asia, is for you to decide. I said that I wouldn’t comment on your answers to my questions, but Sixsmith has a request that I must address. To answer: Yes, I’d be more than happy to have you design and pitch ideas for monsters and boss-like antagonists. Of course, I cannot guarantee that every single design that you conjure will make it into the story, but you’ll be tremendous help to me in my somewhat mind-numbing and energy draining duties. The only boss-like enemy in a game that I’ve ever been frustrated with was the One Winged Angel encounter in Final Fantasy 7, the last version of Sephiroth. I struggled with him for days, but then again, I suck at playing games. I only ever play computer/console games for the stories, even if some of them are really bad. It would be nice if we could add our random facts to our character sheets—optional of course—so that we can easily backtrack and do check-ups. And before some witty lil lady comments on it, I changed my avatar again, but only because the bitch in the last one seriously pissed me off. Apparently, I look like a human thumb, which is absolutely… dandy to be aware of—thank you Internet.