[quote=ChibiYuki] Sooooo Alternate Universe :D???((Female Spock and Kirk? :D)) [/quote] no (tho she is hot :P) [quote=Lost Cause] Also, you do realise that's kind of the height of the Dominion War, right? Since it includes everything from just after the First Battle of Chintoka to the Battle of Cardassia Prime. Not the best time to be off exploring. [/quote] Actually the War ended in 2375, so we could be the first of the new exploration ships after the war, if it makes people happier, we can move it to 2376. the year is not set in stone yet. [quote=Memory Alpha] The Dominion War was a two-year interstellar conflict fought between the Federation Alliance and the Dominion from 2373 to 2375. [/quote]