[b] "Look, you can't trust the Barney the Dinosaur, he is obviously brainwashing children. Also, don't drink tthat bloody tap water! It's riddled with mind controlling drugs...."[/b] [img]http://i910.photobucket.com/albums/ac306/ramshiel0415/50480_full.jpg[/img] Name: Stanley Grove Age: 20 Gender: Male Height; 5'5 Weight: 100lbs Years in Blackwing: Two Years Apartment Number: 1D Odd Trait: Paranoia, Scared of most things, Conspiracy Theorist, Hallucinations and OCD Physical Descriptions: Stan has clean raven black hair. He has pale skin that has no blemishes what so ever thanks to his lack of activity and never goes outside. He also has green eyes, complete with black glasses with big thick frames. He is a bit tall with a rather slender build, and his hair can get a bit straggly since he doesn't trust hair products or combs. His teeth are surprisngly white and shiny, thanks to his own special brand of toothpaste he made himself. Background Info: Orus Talo was born in Tokyo, Japan to a pair of loving parents who fed him well, gave him a good place to live and even paid for him to go to a private school. Hell, they even hired a violin tutor for him. Orus loved his life back in Japan, not a care or fear in the world, he just got on with his life since his mother and father wanted him to be a lawyer. But this carefree enviroment was shattered one day when he was upstairs and his parents came up to his room with tears in their eyes. They told him to pack up only the essentials and get ready to leave, where to? He wasn't told, he just knew the situation was dire. Two days later they ran up to his room at 2am and told him to get ready to run to the airport. They did so and fled to 'MURICA! They arrived at America and they bought a nice house they could live in, but they were always living in total fear of being tracked down. Orus' dad told Orus that he had made a discovery about the Government and the Illuminati's plan to take over the world. He changed their names to the Grove Family, and Orus became Orus Grove, a name he hated. Orus got a new school, where he was bullied day after day. He hated it, it was like torture. All the kids made fun of his broken english until he finally learned it and then they made fun of him because of his obsessivness of the corrupt governments. he tried to spread the word about alien cover ups and shadow organisations. A group of boys always bullied him calling him Borus, because he was boring....the originality. One day when Orus was 18, Orus was sitting at home when he heard two noises, sounding like a hammer hitting a nail. He rushed downstairs with his violin to find his parents laying on the floor, dead with two bullet holes in their heads. He panicked, grabbed his stuff and ran. It was at this point he began hallucinating, seeing his parents beside him as he packed his bags hurriedly. He ran and ran till he found he was terrified of getting in a car or bus. The sun was glaring upon him, it wasn't right. He knew he had to find somewhere to live, he knew that much. Eventually, without getting in a car he found an apartment he could afford. The Oddball Appartments. It looked safe enough.... Other: He loves M and Ms. He also hates pop music and loves the internet.