There was yet another thing to add to Shu's 'List of things to learn'. At this point Takeshi couldn't even remember everything he had told his brother he'd show him, there was just too much. Really at this point it would probably be easier just to go into the city and let him learn himself. Shu could observe and they could answer questions as they came, that seemed the simplest way. The little Saiyan became fairly bummed out as Yumi was brought up, Takeshi didn't think his brother missed her too. Hm, well it wasn't as if she was really gone, they could go see her now if they really wanted to. Granted they might be interrupting something but she wouldn't mind would she? While she and Choi had one another there was another matter altogether; Choi's twin brother Kai was all alone. He could be with his father, sure, but was that really any good? Saiyans weren't usually very close to their parents, so it was a little unlikely if they were doing anything. "Yeah... It would suck if the food burned, wouldn't it?" Takeshi pondered for a moment before a small smile crept across his lips. Striking his own hand with a fist he gave a soft 'Aha!', looking at Shu knowingly. "We'll finish cooking, then take the food and go see him! We can find out if my cooking is any good then too!" "For something so difficult though you're doing an excellent job of keeping yourself composed. If I didn't know any better I'd almost think you weren't having any trouble at all." Vegeta supposed the true test of his competence would be putting Viral around others and seeing how he handled himself. Thus far he had been lucky, the Beastman had struck out at him maybe all of once, and that was in a passing, split second moment too. It was hard to tell if Viral had truly stopped himself or had subconsciously recognized who Vegeta was, they had to find out. Doing so put the volunteer in danger of course, he recognized the risk and knew it would be tricky. They could circumvent all of that, however, if they found someone who didn't have much of a choice. Someone, for instance, like the latest addition to their group. That troublesome Saiyan kid was wandering around just in front of them, goodness knows where he was going. Hm, maybe he'd be the ideal subject for them. "Hm? You think you'd kill him...?" Vegeta mused, tearing his eyes from Haku to look at Viral. "I disagree. You seem plenty aware of yourself, I think you could hold back. Besides, even if you tried I'm here to restrain you, so there's no real immediate danger to him. Bothersome as he may be I won't let him be injured... Too badly." Putting it bluntly the Saiyan was a coward, so getting a cut or two might do him some good. "Hey, kid! Wait right there!" After lugging around all sorts of food the only thing Haku wanted to do was shower and get a change of clothes. Maybe after that he could get some food and, well who knows after that. If nothing else he could explore the ship a little, just get a better idea of what it was like. Never did he imagine he'd be on one of these ships, even if it was technically not a Saiyan ship anymore. It would be interesting to see how the king's more favored soldiers lived for once. It would be sort of hard to get anything done right now, by the sounds of it he was being called again. Immediately placing the voice as being Vegeta he continued to try to walk away as if he hadn't heard, hoping that it would be let go. A second and third call told him he wasn't getting out of this one, so reluctantly he stopped in his tracks and turned around, eyes widening seeing Viral first and foremost. Not realizing who it was immediately Haku yelped slightly, holding out a hand and gathering Ki, aiming it at the Beastman uneasily. "W-Who the hell is t-that?! What do you w-want now?"