~The ceiling.... the ceiling... concentrate.... close your eyes....~ Ever since the talk about the raiding horde Sammael couldn't find a way to sit still or sleep, even as his brothers all peacefully laid nearby. With a groan he hoisted himself up and stared out the window, toward the forest. Even now he missed the woods and their unknown paths during their travels. Now he was stuck inside this wooden structure until dawn. "No. No, I'm not." he said to himself, forcing his body to leave his bed and begin dressing for the day. Light armor, full quiver, short bow, long bow, carving knife, descaling knife. It was a small arsenal, but it had worked for him for many years now. As he put the quiver on his back a pounding noise, then an explosion, banged in his ears. At the same time his brothers all started up, Shaking off their sleep each one looked around the room before finding Sammael by the window, already dressed. "Get up. The battle is here." Without another word Sammael stuck his head out the window and grabbed the edge of the roof to pull himself up with. His body was a little tired from the lack of sleep, but his day's work only required carrying food, so it wasn't strained in the slightest. Getting his feet on the top of the building Sammael looked in the direction of the gate, now a pile of rubble, and tried to make out what was going on. Some buildings blocked his view, but the archer could make out the battle going on. The rest of the town seemed unaffected besides a few brigadiers here or there, but the bulk of the forces were still at the gate. A pegasus rider, he believed it was one of the men he met earlier, was currently taking out targets in the air with his bow. "Hm. A good, if not ironic, combination." Sammael said aloud to himself before jumping to the next closest roof. Landing in a crouch, he sprung off the momentum from his last jump and continued to run his course towards the battle. As he made his way across the town a sickening scent and sound came from an alleyway not far away, but Sammael ignored it, deciding the main attack force was a more important target. A flash of light distracted him from a nearby rooftop, making the archer quickly draw his bow. Three people stood ontop of it. a pair was a mother and her young, the other seemed to be a magic user. Approaching silently Sammael hear the healer calming down the mother and child. They carried a small shimmering around them still from magic being freshly used on them. Observing the healer from the rear he couldn't see any weapons on here besides the heads of some staves. Walking towards the three, bow drawn in the direction of the fighting, Sammael breathed in, then out. Letting loose the notched arrow he saw the shaft stick itself in the knee of a brute heading into the city, causing him to shriek in pain and double over. Turning his head slightly away from the battle, he looked towards the healer. "You have no protection up here. I'll be your escort." he said, notching another arrow and putting it through the throat of the same man from before. Hearing a howl from behind him, Sammael put his bow to the floor of the roof and cupped his hands over his mouth, howling back. --- As Sammael fired his second arrow the other three finally made their into the streets in their light armor. With Helath on his left and Lasair his right, both with their weapons drawn, Nialas cupped his mouth and let out a few extremely loud howls into the air, hoping he would be heard over the fighting. As they turned a corner a man with a steel axe attempted to bring it down on Lasair's head. The fool obviously didn't understand the numbers same. In a synchronized fashion Lasair blocked with a blade of his own while Helath turned around Nialas and delivered a massive strike to the man's abdomen with his steel axe. Lasair then kicked the corpse of a man to the ground and they continued to walk as a howl was returned, explaining in simple detail the layout of the battle. "Large force at the gate, a few stragglers in the streets. Easy enough. Lasair, take to the streets and take out any of the ones you see going around. Loot them if you can obviously. Helath and I will help defend the entrance." Lasair grinned and left with a nod, turning down an alleyway and beginning to run. Helath and Nialas sped up towards the gate and found a familiar sight; a big, bloody skirmish. Two distinct instances were noticed by Nailas. In the center of the gate's remnants a knight of some sort took out what seemed to be the big leader of the gang. Not too far away from their position a swordman faced off with a bandit who had an axe to a girl's neck. "Coward!" Nialas said, seething with anger. "Helath, take care of that trash that uses human shields. I'm going to go help the one in the center of the battle." "Fine with me. Enjoy the pole-vault!" Helath shouted back as he took a roundabout route to the man- not, the monster- using a woman as a shield. With all the noise going on it was fairly easy to sneak up on a cocky bandit. Letting out a small sigh Helath raised his own axe in one hand, sheathed the other and stepped in closer, closer... closer... When he was only a foot away from him Helath simultaneously grabbed the bandits wrist to push the blade away from the girl and swiped the axe through the man's leg with tremendous strength, cutting it clear off. The axe left the bandits hand as he fell to the ground in pain. Still holding the man's wrist, just in case, Helath looked up at the swordsman. "Sorry to cut in, but I wasn't having any of that shit. Name's Helath." As the man continued to writhe in pain, Helath brought his axe down in his head, stopping the movement. Taking his axe back out of the head by resting his foot on the skull and yanking, Helath draw his swordreaver and turned toward the battle. "Still up for fighting?" he asked the swordsman. - At the same time of Helath's one sided fight Nialas could be seen dancing his way through the pileup of fighters towards the center of the mass. As he finally approached the fighter he found it was a woman carrying a shield. He wondered how a defender of the town could have gotten out in the middle like this, but chose to ignore that detail of now. She definitely wasn't in good favor of the bandits, so Nialas had no qualms with her. As one of the bandit's moved to strike her from behind Nialas's spear found his spine, hitting him straight in the center back. With a gasp and shudder, the man fell over without any movement. The entire line of the spine was Nialas's favorite spot to strike, as it only took one hit. Twirling the spear in his hands and turned his head towards the woman. "Need a little help? Protect my flank and I'll protect yours." - Jogging lightly through the streets Lasair found most of them empty of trouble. The walls of the town seemed to work fairly well, which was almost a bummer. When he came round to the other side of the next building, however, he found himself watching a bunch of bandits climbing over the wall with a small siege ladder, hastily built by the look of the top. One, five, seven, eleven. "Shit... thats a lot... I guess I'm using the last one." he muttered quietly as he snuck to the center of the street, staying away from the torchlight. Digging a small hole with his hands Lasair continued to look back at the bandits as he continued to dig. There were fourteen over now. Taking out the small device from his back, Lasair lowered the mine carefully into the hole before partially covering the top. Ready to run away as his hand was on the safety pin, he heard a loud yell. "Hey! Shithead! What the hell are you doing?!". ~Well, damn the deer, I'm in trouble...~ Trying to think fast Lasair pulled the pin and began to back away. "No! You can't have my gold! Just because I'm the richest man in town doesn't mean you can harass me!" he shouted back, hoping to draw some of them toward him while the other's split off. Apparently his act was too convincing or they were too dimwitted, because all of the now sixteen bandits began to approach him. "Aaaaaaand cue running." he said, turning tail and taking off in the opposite direction as them. He was about seven seconds into his run before an explosion and cried of pain echoed through the area. With a large grin plastered on his face Lasair turned to inspect his handiwork. An uneasy feeling hit him as he saw many of the men still whole. Apparently it was the last person who stepped on the mine, allowing the first half of the group to escape the blast with minor injuries. Taking a quick count of how many were standing Lasair began to back up again. "Eight... yup, gonna keep running." he said, dashing down an alleyway already pasted with blood. As Arianna requested the two men's names a loud yelp could be heard in the street followed by a lot of yelling. With his back slammed against the doorway where the three talked Lasair groaned in pain from being tossed, only standing partially up. Looking over to see the three he croaked out a few words from his bloodied mouth. "Five... bandits... here..." he said, rolling on his side into the house as a hand axe lodged itself where his stomach just was. Now laying on the floor flat on said stomach with his slim sword in hand, he coughed up a small amount of blood as shadows of the approaching bandits could be seen outside. Lasair used his free hand to prop himself up and began to bring himself to his knees. He got three done with no problem, but one of them carried a swordreaver and gave him trouble. Using the sword as a cane he propped himself up onto his two feet, facing the doorway.