As the skeleton went to deliver the finishing blow on the villager, Damian's remaining cutlass sliced through it's knee joints and sent it tumbling to the ground, allowing him to ram the blade into it's skull and shatter it. Nodding to the villager, he looks around and growls at the flames that were starting to spread. "Go to safety, we'll find the others and make sure they're OK." The villager speaks a quick thanks and runs off, heading to who knows where to try and find some safety. Facing the direction the flames were coming from, Damian runs into them, his blade held out behind him and the orbiting ones dismissed, allowing him more magic energy to use on attack. Spotting another skeleton, he slides to a stop and focuses on the ground for a moment. "Rising blades!" A line of large sword blades rise up and pierce the skeleton, breaking it into pieces and then vanish again, leaving Damian to curse quietly. [i]There's no way I'll be able to chase them all down before this blaze spreads, but I don't use any kind of water or even ice magic. I need to find Master Jamie, get his input on this. Or maybe Kelthar...[/i] Shaking his head and muttering a quiet apology to all the villagers, Damian sets off to find someone who could use the right kind of magic to save the village. Then he'd go help Master Jamie.