Kali, decided that for the moment Ghost wasn't of particular interest. He was unlikely to try anything and if he bolted it would only mean a bigger share of the take. He seemed to be weighing his options and observing their conversation. Quite smart actually, but not a state that Kali found interesting. She thought he would probably open up later as time progressed but if he didn't it was his loss. Kali was a good person to know in more ways than one. She idly wondered when the hell their fourth teammate or their mystery client would show. She decided she'd have to be patient, she needed the money after all. She also decided Alexa looked quite endearing when she was uncomfortable and uncomfortable she was. Alexa probably wasn't used to this kind of situation the poor dear. Kali decided to keep smiling, but the expression was one of interest and even approval with no trace of mockery. It's not like Kali had never been awkward about this kind of thing, back when she was just Dorea Y'varti things had been much different. When Alexa composed herself Kali took notice and she decided she liked Alexa's confidence even more. Kali tilted her head and smiled somewhat wickedly, "Oh that is very true. Aria often tries to make it seem as if she's above that kind of thing, but there's a reason she has a few girls with her up in the booth. Why have an employee for just protection if you can have them for more? Aria has always been practical." [i] Poor Ghost, I hope he doesn't feel too left out. [/i] Alexa's mention of being abused by Eclipse matched the stories she had heard but Kali didn't let her displeasure and sympathy show on her face, she doubted Alexa was the type to appreciate anyone's sympathy. Kali leaned in when Alexa did and after she spoke Kali covered her mouth and giggled, a reaction that somewhat clashed with her fearsome reputation but there it was. Kali's giggles subsided and she said, "Oh my, there's more to you then meets the eye Alexa. I'm sure you keep Aria very happy," Kali mirrored Alexa's suggestive grin plus change and pitched her voice a little softer, "Though I wonder... if you ever considered following someone else?" Kali winked and her other violet eye twinkled with barely restrained suggestiveness. [i] I wonder what Ghost thinks of this [/i]