[b] San Fransico, California [/b] Jordan shot awoke trying to escape the voices of his dead comrades that still fight their haunting battles in his dreams, but something was different something was off thoughts were racing through Jordan's head faster than he could process them things that Jordan didn't know, his mind was in a state of chaos and Jordan didn't know how to fix it his thoughts seemed to be fractured altered, but Jordan didn't have time to catch these thoughts before his cell phone rang reaching for it on his night stand looking at the number and seeing it was his sister he took the call his sister sounded frightened and scared but she spoke over him "You need to come get me right now things are going to hell and we need you here?" that shook Jordan awake a little "Wait? What is going on?" "No Time, just get here as fast as you can." With that said the phone call was ended and Jordan sat there for a split second looking at his phone wondering but after shaking off the shock he got dressed as fast as he could grabbing the Beretta he kept in a safe on his wall and some spare mags after that was all done, he opened the door to his apartment only to find chaos people were rioting near his apartment signs that said "The End is near" In big black letters and "Repent" in big red letters people were huddling all this chaos seemed to put Jordan's mind on the straight and narrow his thoughts seemed to clear everything seemed right for the first time in his life hopping in his car a new feeling of vigor washing over him Jordan drove for his sisters apartment near the bay.