[B] Announcement! [/b] So, I think it's necessary to have a communication system going on, so withoutbit being too high tech or too liw tech I found this: [Hider=This][img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/351/c/e/steampunk_phone_by_tmc_deluxe-d4jdpoe.jpg[/img][/hider] Most ships have this. Currently, StarDusk does not because we have no one to communicate with. They work in a said of ways: 1. If your crew has more than one ship there is a way to keep the lines connected. 2. Calling the Government- because not just pirate ships have these. 3. Transmit to other ships and the likes. So, yeah to clarify that. But! I'm not going to say tech is limited to such things because it won't be. [S] It will be further explained later [/s] Should I put this with the front page stuff?