When Athrun saw the Centennial being forced to the Archangel he found himself torn between giving assistance to his daughter and his friend. He moved forward firing on the spikes that came from Tadgh’s blade when he avoided every attempt at damage. He found Ridill and Eleanor corner Kira and fired on them in hopes of distracting them from their goal. “Hold on Kira! I’ll help you!” Despite everything Athrun did to assist Kira, the Centennial was continuously pushed back and felt the pain and pressure building in his cockpit when he continued to endure the blows dealt to him. “Ah!” The final blow was dealt when Ridill managed to drive him down to the ground while the Centennials blades retracted to avoid breaking. The Centennial landed at the feet of the Archangel when it crashed leaving Kira in a daze of fatigue and a growing sense of fear. Athrun’s Gundam made its way towards the Archangel when he tried to assist his friend, “Are you okay Kira?” Kira barely had any wind left in his voice when he tried to answer, “I… I’ve…” “Damnit. This is getting more difficult by the second.” Athrun returned his attention to blasting the Generics when he found them advancing towards the Archangel. Even the Zeta was making its way towards to his side when he gave a final order to Terra, “Hold back on the Generics! They’re closing in on us!” The Archangel continued to make its attacks against the Generics thinning their numbers, but their recreation from the ground and continuing advance continued to wear on the collective morale of the AERO allies. The final hopes were continuing to wane by the second as the defense continued. The attack on the Centennial was the final motion Sousuke needed to see when he shouted, “Dad!” Against the permission of anyone who would restrict him he rushed towards the nearest hallway rushing out of fear for his father. Meyryth began to follow him when she commanded, “Yamato! Where are you going? Stop running this moment!” After a brief run Sousuke found himself at the nearest exit of the Archangel and began to make his way down the exterior of the Archangel ship. She saw him rushing down the side of the large ship when she shook her head at his decision cursing the boy’s action. Sousuke ran up to the Centennial avoiding the blaze and debris that found its way towards him. He was close to the Centennial when he began to run up its leg and rushed to knock on the cockpit door shouting, “Dad! Open this door now!” When the cockpit opened, Sousuke saw his father panting lightly from the fatigue of the attack. Sousuke stopped any intention Kira had of continuing the attack when he asked, “Dad, what’s happening? I thought you were stronger than this…” Kira grasped his side when he answered, “I’m sorry you have to see what this conflict brought Sousuke… This is what the Actualizers are capable of…” “Can you still stand dad?” Kira looked out to the defense being held by the Archangel when he answered, “I can… But I have a defense to hold…” There was a small pause before Sousuke brought his request, “Dad… Please let me pilot it.” Kira had a light look of surprise when he heard the request and reminded, “Sousuke. Once you take up this Gundam this will be your new life. It will be your responsibility… As a soldier from this day forward.” “I… I’ll…” The reminder was difficult for Sousuke to process when he first heard the requirement when it came to the Gundam. Finally Sousuke pushed aside what hesitance before he promised, “I’ll be one dad. I’ll pilot the Gundam.” Kira stood up from the cockpit when he agreed, “Sousuke. Remember your answer. You are a soldier now. Beginning today you’ll be the hope for us all to pray for.” “Time to get started.” In spite of this being his first time in a Gundam his Coordinator instincts were able to overlook the control panel to give him an idea of controlling the Gundam. He took the time to adjust the controls in the Gundam’s system when he instructed himself, “Just have to calibrate. Move the primary power source to the primary weapons exhaust. Connect the control module directly to the nuclear power source. Reconstruct the neural linkage network. Renew meta-active field, reactivate feed forward controls, convey function. Adjust Coriolis deviation. Connect to motion routines. System online.” With that announcement the Centennial rose up from the ground and prepared to engage the Actualizers. The Gundam rose from the ground when its blades were brought forward in preparation for the next strike. Another second passed before the Centennial made its way forward when it prepared to engage the Actualizer enemy when Sousuke warned, “I’ll take you down now!” The Generics quickly fell at the blade of the swipe when Sousuke observed the sudden ease of such an attack. “This can’t be real. How is a system like this possible?” He contacted Athrun and Terra nearby when he warned them, “Stay out of the blast zone! They’re all dead!” “Who?” Athrun saw the Centennial returning to the field but recognized the new voice as being someone he didn’t initially recognize. He didn’t concern himself too far when he contacted Terra ordering, “The Centennial is going to make another attack. Prepare to help him in case the enemy tries to form up behind him.” He prepared for his own attack when he assisted Sousuke with the attack prepared to initiate an attack on Ridill’s location. Meyryth helped Kira to his feet when she reported, “Commander. Lieutenant Enran has the bridge secure. We’ll get you to the medical wing for immediate treatment.” Kira looked up from the ground when he commanded, “See that this ship is prepared for launch. Once we have clearance to take off we have to rendezvous with the Terminus.” One of the operators prepared to follow the order when he requested, “I’ll let the Lieutenant know sir. I should like to know who is piloting the Centennial now?” Kira answered the question, “Our newest recruit. And possibly our greatest hope against the Actualizers.” He separated from Meyryth’s hold when he requested, “Patch us through to the Centennial. I have to see that our new pilot is able to handle the Gundam.” Sousuke still found the system to be fixed when he prepared to face the Actualizers themselves. “Can’t believe the system is this easy. I’ll show them real pain now!” Sousuke heard Kira contact him when he instructed, “Sousuke. Engage the Growth System. You’ll have the best chance then.” Sousuke found the key button combination on a nearby computer tag when he prepared to engage. He felt the SEED sensation rush through him for the first time in his life and found the nearest enemy prepared to engage him. “I’ve got it! I can see everything about to happen!” Kira was hesitant when he decided to instruct, “Engage the Centennial blades. See if the enemy can handle them.” Sousuke rushed forward with the Centennial engaging the nearest Actualizer mobile suits when he warned, “I’ll take you all down! Face me!” Kira gave a final warning when he told him, “Don’t let the blades resonate for too long. The longer the blades remain active the more radiation that will leak into the colony.” “… I understand.” Sousuke turned off the communication panel when he kept the blades prepared to slice forward. With the next attack he saw the bright blades shining through the fragments that attempted to attack him. He came ever closer within the range of Ridill’s mobile suit when he prepared to make a final attack. It would be a matter of time before the Actualizers would recognize the true power of the Centennial.