[I]"Oh shit, openly defying Aria and is she..... flirting with Alexa? What the actual fuck has this meeting come to?."[/i] Micheal was confused, little more than confused. What the hell were they doing? Micheal had no idea, he tried his very hardest to stay in his position and keep his mouth shut. Micheal noticed that Alexa was caught off guard and that Kali was using this to her advantage. He decided not to get involved, he had already given up so much information as it is, no use giving up more. What he had found interesting was that Alexa was giving information herself, telling both of us that she had been abused as a child and used by the Eclipse, [i]"Those fucking scum."[/i] He had already found that he was gaining alot from this conversation and decided to keep this course of action. [i]"I'm in a better position right now, I guess I'll jus-"[/i] ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (We don't have a full team right now, but I've decided to start with a pre-mission. It'll probably be a couple of full-turns long and I'll be the Client. The reason I'm not making him an NPC is that he kinda leads how the RP goes. I'm open to suggestions on how the Client acts but right now, I'm sticking with a more arrogant. Illusive-Man type guy.) Micheal's thoughts were cut short when a man appeared inside the warehouse. His body above his chest was hidden with the shadow of crates and containers. "I am the Client, your employer. But it seems that our esteemed fourth mercenary (ShadowD) isn't going to show. All of you were invited here for a reason, and that reason was that all of you are elite. Don't try to come any closer, or you will be shot at and forfeit your reward. Micheal Linn, Alexa Pearce, and Dorea Y'varti, all of you veterans in your field and have proved your worth many times already. Now, I know everyone of your dirty little secrets, and you know none of mine. Don't bother asking your contacts or Aria about who I am, you won't find anything. Now.......... onto business."