Footsteps. They resounded and echoed off the walls throughout the quiet house, but then she would hear some clattering, metal objects clashing together under running water. She would then hear chopping, both occurring at the same time with little to no interval between. She would also hear scrubbing and water movement, all coming from the same room in the house. The kitchen. At least 3 people were in there, all seeming to do very different things but it was clear that the were working to all that entered. "You must be new. Come give us a hand" Christine, the smallest of the three girls, instructed with a warm smile. Her blond hair was curled at the ends but otherwise completely straight. Her eyes shared its color with the ocean and her lips were thin but still easily visible due to their natural beautiful pink color. Her skin was snow white which brought out her eyes even more and made them look even bluer "Oh don't be shy, even if you don't know how, surely it'd be a good thing to learn" her voice was soft and pleasant much as one would imagine a mother's to be. "Don't be too forward Christine, you'll scare her away, don't you see she already looks worried" Elendra, the tall fair skinned woman said as she didn't take her eyes off the vegetables she was cutting which made it near impossible to tell what color her eyes were. Her dark black hair was cut short and stopped right before it reached her back. She just like Christine was wearing a white apron, however she also had on a chef's hat. "My name is Elendra, and before you misunderstand...we are not slaves." Elendra spoke calmly as she moved the knife gracefully as she chopped lettuce into small pieces, turning only once to see what Raphael looked like. "We're chefs, and we work the kitchen!" Christine said joyfully as she tilted her head to the side "William...I mean Master William, did allow you to come in here, didn't he?" another voice belonging to a redhead spokes as she watched water come to a boil in a large pot. She didn't turn to face Raphael, and it seemed for her to even acknowledge the poor girl was a stretch. Elsewhere in the house William sat at the water's edge as he lathered up his hair with shampoo. His shirt was off but the water cast no reflection of him, nor did any mirror as such was the reason there weren't many mirrors in the house. William didn't need a reflection anyway, he already knew what he looked like, always had. Always would.