The young man was going to get hurt but Amy knew she couldn't say anything more to him. While he wasn't as vocal as the rest of his family, he was still as stubborn. With one last glance at his room, she followed him to the kitchen. Josephine had waited until she had heard the second pair of footsteps retreat before leaving the room. She made sure to take one last glance around before going to Jack's room where her clothes had been. She didn't think she would get the same reaction as Amy's if she ran into say Sebastian but she didn't want to take chances. Jack was a golden child who could do no wrong. With a bitter grimace, she stood in front of Jack's room. She hoped that he was still at Alice's side just so she wouldn't have to face him. Despite all her wishful thinking, when she opened the door, there stood Jack. He stopped and turned, still bent over his drawer. "Oh...Jo." He slowly straightened and turned to fully face her. "Whose...whose shirt are you wearing?" Josephine smugly thought she detected a hint of jealousy in his tone. Instead of answering, she went to the armoire and took out a dress to wear. "Jo. Jo, I'm--" "Don't call me that." She snapped, glaring at him. "In fact, don't talk to me at all. You made your choice. May you two live happily ever after." Her voice was dripping with sarcasm as she turned and left the room and him. Elijah would be proud of her, she thought bitterly as she made her way down the hall, she restrained her tongue and her fist. She was caught up in her own thoughts that she didn't notice Sebastian pass her. The captain did a double take, looking back at her with a raised eyebrow before he entered into Alice's room. "Josephine looks as though she's about to kill someone." He commented as he walked up to his wife, kissing her on the top of her head. He pulled a chair up and sat Alice's bed, "How is she doing? Did she wake up?" He asked, brushing his fingers across her knuckles lightly.